The Council of Ministers of the Nile State Government rejects attempts at foreign intervention, affirms its support for the armed forces and announces the conduct of a large convoy to support and sustain the armed forces.

The Council of Ministers of the Nile State Government expressed its strong condemnation of the attempt by some foreign countries to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. This came during the regular meeting of the Council chaired by Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid. Abu Qarun, Governor of the Nile. The Council commended the efforts of the Sudanese people to stand with their armed forces and regular forces in the face of this great plan that targets the identity, history and resources of our country, changing its demographic map and annihilating its identity, the Council praised with appreciation the great interaction of the citizens of the State in order to defend and support the armed forces and declared its support for these forces, supporting them with men and money, and continuing the support convoys, as the Council decided to send a large and huge convoy of forces, the armed forces, the regular forces and those who support them among the mobilized in all theaters of operations of the State of Khartoum, with the participation of all components of the State society, entities, sectors, unions, segments of society and official and popular bodies of the State, localities and administrative units.

The Council listened to detailed reports presented by Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure and Head of State Emergency Services, on the situation in the state in the fall of this year, the flood-affected areas in the state and the ongoing treatments.

The meeting stressed the need to develop an integrated plan for the water harvesting program to benefit humans, animals and plants from water and to reduce the negative effects of flood disasters. The Council tasked the Ministry of Infrastructure and the State Ministry of Agriculture to prepare this plan and the need for close coordination for the water harvesting program to be successful in the coming years.

Engineer Salah Ali Karkba, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Forestry of the State, presented a detailed report on the situation of the current agricultural season, the first preparations for the next winter season, God willing, and the results of the recent visit of the federal government. The Minister of Agriculture announced a number of news regarding the success of the current season and reaching the cultivation of one million acres, as well as the emphasis on growing maize after providing seeds to ensure food security in the state. The country in general and the state in particular. He added that his ministry had developed an integrated plan for the success of the winter season and had begun the first preparations for entering the season, while communications were established with the major agricultural projects in the state to increase the number of agricultural projects. agricultural axes, as it reached the Al-Kaffa project of Sheikh Al-Rajhi in the Berber locality for more than a hundred axes after the project was stopped, the minister also indicated that they encourage strong partnerships and the introduction of a large number of major axes. companies and capital owners to ensure an increase in cultivated areas and production.

The Council stressed the importance of the Ministry of Agriculture. Therefore, the governor's decision was to create a separate Ministry of Agriculture to emphasize the importance of agriculture as a real outlet for the national and state economy. The meeting stressed the need to leverage mining revenues to support agriculture, given that mining and gold are depleted wealth.

Then, Dr. Magda Abdullah, Minister of Health of the State, presented a detailed report on the health and pharmaceutical situation in the State, and the Council was reassured about the health situation. The Council stressed the need to continue cleanliness and waste management campaigns. disposal and environmental sanitation in all localities, administrative units and regions, to avoid the negative effects of this autumn and eliminate epidemic diseases. The Council also stressed the need and importance of popular action, awareness and understanding the seriousness of autumn diseases. The meeting commended the great and appreciated efforts made by the State Health Ministry and all localities of the State to deal with the effects of the autumn. The meeting also commended the method of submitting the detailed report to the State Health Ministry. was complete, comprehensive and supported by accurate statistics and images.

In addition, Dr. Tahani Mirghani Abdel Hafeez, Minister of Social Affairs of the State, presented a detailed report on what the ministry provided during the previous period to all those who were affected by the floods and rains in the state, as well as to all those who arrived in the state following the events of the rebellion, and the close coordination that took place between the ministry and international and national organizations to provide support to all those who were damaged.

The meeting praised the great efforts of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the state and the support provided during the previous period to all those who came to the state and those who were affected by the floods. which was presented through a documentary film that documented everything that was presented. The meeting praised the cooperation that took place between the ministry and the localities to overcome the effects of this disaster, and the meeting directed the localities in expediting the distribution of all the support they received. receive from the Ministry of Social Affairs to those who deserve it, in appreciation of their situation.

The meeting issued a number of directives and missions that will help advance and improve the performance and advance the reality of the state in various areas.

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