A Taste of the Remaining Days of the Battle of Karama (1) – Bullets in Kassala -✍️ Rashan Oshi

We have spent decades holding the armed struggle movements responsible for the Sudanese catastrophe in Darfur, even though the political mismanagement of the rebellion file was the cause of this loss.

But… the invasion of the “Al Dagalo” militias and the war with an army whose soldiers came mostly from the regions of the African Sahara, revealed to us that the rebellion of the Darfur movements was as moral as the Rapid Support. They were soldiers who fought against the State only, against their real enemy. They did not fight civilians, they did not plunder their property, they did not occupy their homes, they did not sell their women on the slave market of the 20s. first century.

It was a war of cause, even if it deviated from its path over the years, but it did not deviate from its approach.

“Hemedti” tried to attract the leaders of the armed movements through the “Juba” agreement, for which he spent huge sums of money, as part of his preparation for the battle to seize power in the “jellaba”. I rearranged the cards in Darfur, but of course, I am not talking about the position of the real leaders here. ” Dr. Al-Hadi Idris, or Al-Taher Hajar, of the framework agreement put an end to the happy dreams that Daglo had experienced, and after that, he realized that the battle that awaited him was no longer just a battle that he was fighting under the slogan of regional liberation, but had become a battle that the people of Darfur embraced with all their consciousness.

While accompanying these days the delegation of a member of the Sovereignty Council and leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement – Transitional Council, “Salah Adam Tur”, in Kassala State, I listened attentively to his speeches in front of thousands of his soldiers in the eastern region, urging them to fight the “Al Dagalo” militias, and the need to liberate their country.

Perhaps the victory over the militias and their international sponsors was not an easy matter and the battle was fierce and intense, but it is enough that it united the consciousness of the Sudanese from the sea to the river to the deserts and valleys, and brought to light for us great leaders who abandoned the bitterness of the past for the sake of the unity of the Sudanese soil.

“Salah Adam Tor”, known as “Salah Rasas”, was so called because he is a skilled “sniper”, seizing national opportunities to shoot his bullet into the heart of the enemy that threatens his historical existence as a Sudanese and a native of Darfur.

One night in Kassala, Salah Rasas was dining in one of the most important houses of wisdom in eastern Sudan. He was accompanied by Daqal, the governor of Beni Amer, as he exchanged conversations with the notables and elders of Beni Amer. In the tribe, one of the mayors spoke up and said: Chief, we are with the army, and we are armed forces ourselves. We have presented more than three hundred martyrs since April 15, 2023 AD, and we are ready to lead the battle until Darfur is liberated. A tear escaped my eyes and my feelings were confused, while the commander smiled the smile of victory.

Conclusion; History will prove that our war against the “Dagalo” is not absurd, but legitimate. We are now in a particular stage, where the Sudanese consciousness has emerged from an overflowing emotion in the face of national events and meanings.

From Kassala, I will tell you in the next article “Marqo Marqo” and “Amani”, the story of two fighters who grew up during the revolutionary war in Darfur and are now living their maturity in the battle of Karama.

My love and respect

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