A Tribute of Appreciation and Respect to Professor Raja Nimr and the Staff of the Hebron News Center – Whispering the Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Al-Qayyum Ali

In light of the transition from print journalism to digital journalism, many news sites have emerged, but the Hebron News Center has distinguished itself with a leading role thanks to the professionalism of its founder, the eminent Professor Raja Nimr, who came from the ambitious young generation, and her active role as an experienced journalist who was one of the most distinguished ambassadors of the letter and the word, as I was able to establish the Hebron News Center, which became in record time one of the most distinguished centers that provide accurate and reliable journalistic content, which made it a major destination for followers in Sudan and abroad, and for this we see that the efforts of the work team of this center He was dedicated to keeping pace with media developments and ensuring the quality of the contents, which contributed to strengthening its position in the digital media scene.

The Hebron Information Center has become one of the most important media centers in Sudan, as it is characterized by professionalism and accuracy in its media coverage, and seeks to provide information in a reliable and objective manner, which has made it a reliable source in the dissemination of information.

It stands out for its professional style in covering local and international events and news. Relying on a professional team that seeks to provide accurate and reliable information, which has established its credibility with readers.

One of the most important priorities of this center is its interest in social, political and economic issues, as it offers in-depth analyses that reflect the Sudanese reality. It also stands out for its interaction with the public through social media, which contributes to the improvement of the situation. creating a constructive dialogue that strengthens community awareness.

Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Raja Nimr, the Hebron Information Center is considered a major and important source for those interested in Sudanese news, distinguished by its professional style.

The eminent journalist Raja Nimer, the founder, has worked hard and diligently to establish the pillars of her news website. With her experience and professionalism as a professional journalist, she has been able to build a reliable and concerned news platform in a short span of time. by providing accurate information and in-depth analysis and addresses many social issues through this center.

This woman continued to promote journalistic values ​​with honesty and objectivity, making the center a major interface for followers seeking reliable and comprehensive information.

One of the priorities of his vision was his commitment to overall quality and robust professionalism, as he contributed to raising the level of media in Sudan, which demonstrates the importance of the role of journalism in Sudanese society.

Journalist Ms. Raja Nimer faced great challenges during her journey to establish the Hebron Information Center, where she worked under complex circumstances and with multiple challenges. However, despite these difficulties, she managed, through her insightful vision and hard work, to establish the center among the ranks of distinguished news sites.

Hebron Press Center has participated in many local and international forums, where it is present in most press conferences, media events and seminars dealing with Sudanese and Arab issues. It also covers important events: political, social, economic and cultural events.

The Arab Federation for Volunteering awarded the Hebron News Center with a certificate of thanks and appreciation on the occasion of the Arab Volunteer Day 2024, under the slogan “The role of the media in developing volunteering.” Hebron News Center in various forums, which made it a place of appreciation for institutions, as prestigious as the Arab Federation for Volunteering, this certificate reflects the Center's commitment to supporting volunteer work and effectively contributing to the development of civil society institutions.

It is necessary for the state to support professional news sites such as the Hebron News Center, as these platforms represent an important interface for the state and reflect its image in the world. Government support can certainly increase the capabilities of these sites to provide accurate and relevant information. reliable content, which contributes to strengthening democracy and the values ​​of freedom of the press. Supporting independent and distinguished media contributes to building a conscious society and elevates the values ​​of transparency and accountability. Therefore, investing in the media represents an investment in the future of the country.

Greetings of appreciation and respect to the distinguished young professor Raja Nimer and all the staff of the Hebron Press Center for their distinguished efforts and valuable contributions to the development of media work. Their commitment to professionalism and accuracy deserves all our sincere thanks and praise.

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