Youth and Future Summit…a spark of change towards a better world – something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Future Summit is a milestone in human history, bringing together leaders, decision-makers and young people from around the world to discuss the challenges of the future and chart a path to sustainable development. At the heart of this summit is a vital issue that concerns us all: the issue of youth.

Young people make up the majority of the world’s population and are the driving force behind change and creativity. They have vital energy and an awareness of the importance of global issues, making them essential partners in building a better future. Young people have proven time and again that they can achieve great things, whether through social activism, technological innovation or political leadership.

The United Nations has recognized the importance of the role of young people and has therefore dedicated a full day to them during the summit activities, giving them a space to express their hopes and ambitions and share their visions for a better future. Involving young people in decision-making is not only a right, but an urgent necessity to ensure that policies and decisions taken by governments meet the needs of future generations.

The Charter for the Future, which is expected to be adopted at the summit, is a roadmap for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a golden opportunity to ensure the effective participation of young people in building a better future. The Charter must reflect the aspirations and hopes of young people and ensure that they have equal opportunities in education, work and health.

While progress has been made in youth engagement, challenges remain. The UN, like any intergovernmental organization, faces challenges in reforming its structures to ensure broad participation of youth and civil society. In addition, some governments may be reluctant to give young people real decision-making powers.

Young people must play an active role in addressing these challenges. They must continue to lobby governments and international organizations to ensure their effective participation in decision-making. They must also work on developing their skills and abilities and build strong networks with other young people around the world.

We call on decision-makers around the world to commit to implementing the Charter for the Future and to giving young people full opportunities to participate in decision-making. We also call on them to invest in young people and provide them with the support they need to achieve their ambitions.

The Future Summit represents a turning point in human history, an opportunity to change the world for the better. Youth must be at the heart of this change and prove to the world that they are capable of building a bright and prosperous future for all.


Promote youth participation in decision-making at all levels.

Invest in education and training for young people to enable them to participate effectively.

Building strong networks between young people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Support youth initiatives that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Provide a safe and stimulating environment for young people to create and innovate.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that young people are our future and that we all have a responsibility to ensure that they have the opportunities they deserve.

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