Tribute to the teacher of generations: Mrs. Ihsan Muhammad Hamza in Maragheh.. A historic farewell to a teacher who dedicated her life to education and knowledge ✍️ Section of Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy Police Department, Mr. Abdul Wahab's Pension

This afternoon, at the Maragha Boys Primary School, in its square, filled with participants, including men, women, youth, teachers, students and all sectors of society. Those who were not united by coincidences came to honor a teacher who. was burned to illuminate the path of science and knowledge for our sons and daughters.

The squares were decorated and decorated with flowers, not with flowers or wreaths, but with an elegant presence. They came from all walks of life to honor the generational teacher, Professor Ihsan Muhammad Hamza, who spent more than three decades in the schools of Maragheh, evolving between boys and girls, and who left clear footprints in the field of science and knowledge.

Ihsan is honored today not to go to her birthplace in the Amantjo region, which belongs to the locality of Al-Gold, but she will remain, God willing, among us if she wishes. her beautiful and kind qualities, and her farewell is considered a historic farewell that will be talked about by future generations, God willing, the ceremony was performed by the distinguished Dr. Makkawi Al-Khair, approved by the locality of Al-Waqi'. Mrs. Manal Makkawi, Director General of Social Affairs, Mr. Al-Baqir Okasha, Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture and Information, Mr. Awad Ibn Aouf, Ministry of Education, and the celebrants who came from Amentagoua and the Dongola region to testify to this great kindness.

Dr. Makkawi Al-Khair Al-Waqee, Executive Director of Dongola Locality, spoke about the virtues of Mrs. Ihsan and that paying tribute to her is a tribute to all teachers in the state in general and Mrs. Ihsan in particular, thanking the people of Maragheh for this brilliant gesture that words cannot thank enough, saying: “And when the people of Maragheh carried out this work and collected six billion and five hundred pounds, we had to, as a government, allocate a residential land in the city of Dongola in thanks and gratitude for what he has contributed in the field of education. He urged everyone to pay attention to teachers for the appreciated effort they provide, Mr. Awad Ibn Aouf, representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Education. Education also spoke, thanking the people of Maragha for this good work. They are people of civilization and history, stressing that Mrs. Ihsan is considered one of the best teachers and that Maragha was lucky to have Mrs. Ihsan in their schools, wishing her a happy life in her future days, Mr. Mubarak Muhammad Ali, Chairman of the District Services Committee, also spoke, saying, despite the feelings of.

The sadness that fills our hearts at the farewell of Professor Ihsan, but we wish her success and we are all confident that she will continue to give to her family, country and homeland as we have known her in recent years. is a stage that we will all go through, so we must prepare for it in advance with sincere knowledge and hard work to leave a good impact and a good memory.

Mr. Saif Al-Din Abdul Rahman spoke on behalf of the organizing committee at this ceremony, saying that the teacher is one of the treasures of the world. He provides our children with knowledge and information to become what they want in this life, telling. the virtues of the famous person and what he presented to our sons and daughters. He was the best teacher in terms of character, morals and honesty, and he maintained good relations with his fellow teachers, both men and women, and with the people of the country. neighborhood who will miss him very much, as Mr. Abshar Alaa El-Din, Director of Maragheh School, said, appreciating the role of Mrs. Ihsan and what she provided to her students during her working period and those who are now in various state agencies. , including doctors, engineers, judges, lawyers and other leadership positions.

The speech of her celebrant had an impact on the audience, and as soon as she began her speech, it was preceded by tears, and Bashmand Mustafa Othman spoke on her behalf by saying: “You were the best of brothers, the best of colleagues, the best of friends, the best of companions and the best of neighbors, because the one who is celebrated with her spent with you the sweetest and sweetest moments and the most beautiful and clearest moments, and you have a place in the library of the heart.” Especially common nowadays.

At the end of the ceremony, took place

Honor the celebrant, in addition to the amount, with ribbons and posters of various holidays

We ask God for health and well-being and for the people of Maragha to enjoy safety and security.

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