Joint cooperation between the National Human Rights Mechanism and the African section of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Ms. Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Maulana Howaida Ali Awad Al Karim – Head of the Sudanese delegation participating in the meetings of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, met on the sidelines of the work of the session, Ms. Fatou Kamara – Deputy Head of the Africa Department and Head of the East and Southern Africa Department within the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The head of the delegation provided clarifications on the tasks and competencies of the National Human Rights Mechanism, the most important of which is the preparation of periodic reports and responses that Sudan submits to international and regional mechanisms in the field of human rights. highlighted the current conditions in the country in terms of attacks and systematic violations committed by the Rapid Support rebel militia, and explained the priorities imposed by the current circumstances, which require the strengthening of procedural and legal systems and monitoring, surveillance and documentation systems related to human rights, and international cooperation in the areas of combating human rights crimes, investigating gender-based violations targeting women and girls, and protecting the rights of the most protected groups, such as women, children and the elderly.

He also addressed the cross-border dimension of the violations that Sudan has witnessed and is witnessing after the events of 15 April 2023, including the transfer of looted assets to neighbouring countries and the activities of cross-border crimes such as human and drug trafficking and the transfer of arms. This requires working to strengthen international and regional cooperation frameworks and highlighting these violations.

For her part, Mrs. Fatou Kamara praised the role of the National Human Rights Mechanism; During the meeting, she stressed the need for coordination, cooperation, technical support and capacity building for those working in the field of human rights, and indicated that she would pay particular attention to the topics discussed and build comprehensive projects for their benefit.

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