Airport Survey – Signals – ✍️ Rashid Abdul Rahim

A large military transport plane from South Sudan arrived at Nyala airport last week and unloaded military equipment including an anti-aircraft system.

This coincides with the arrival of a group of Nuer mercenaries who form one of the groups sent by a senior South Sudanese commander.

The rebellion spread these groups across areas east of the Nile and around Al-Jili.

Two days after the arrival of these supplies, the air force launched heroic operations in which it targeted Nyala airport, destroying the anti-aircraft system and the airport runway. It also bombed Al Daein airport and destroyed a currency counterfeiting site and several other sites.

The performance of the aviation was outstanding in Khartoum and it recorded great achievements on the ground, especially in the areas of strategy, Zain, Coral, Friendship Hall, Arab Market and Al-Muqrin.

Outside Khartoum, Jabal Muya, the Sennar sugar factory and Wad Al Haddad were bombed, and in Kordofan, the Al-Sada gold mine, Khor Hay Mot, West Umm Badr and the Hamrat Al-Sheikh customs building were bombed.

In Darfur, the aircraft carried out raids in Mellit and Abu Zaimah, and also hit a boat heading towards El Fasher and the El Daein stock exchange.

It also hit combat vehicles and mercenaries in the triangle with Libya.

On the ground, the armed forces have been active and have carried out major operations in Khartoum and Al-Jazeera, surrounding them with the necessary secrecy and secrecy, which has confused the leaders and spokesmen of the rebellion and silenced their voices.

The armed forces have proven to be the most powerful Sudanese faction, capable of acting with force, planning, knowledge and insight beyond what the enemies imagine.

Our army was able to meet all combat needs inside and outside the country.

He confronted the external conspiracy involved in the war by providing the enemy with modern deadly weapons and the money spent on buying mercenaries and paying the salaries of rebel soldiers.

The article has been published Airport Survey – Signals – ✍️ Rashid Abdul Rahim First on Filet Zoll.

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