At the coordination meeting between Red Sea Health, partner organizations and the World Health Organization

The Director General of the Health Sector in the Red Sea State, the Minister in charge, Dr. Ahlam Abdel Rasoul Musa, praised the efforts of health partners from brotherly and friendly organizations and countries to respond by meeting the necessary needs in medical services and working to bridge the health gap.

During the regular joint coordination meeting, held today in the sector administration hall in Port Sudan, in the presence of the Director of the World Health Organization Office in the Red Sea, Dr. Al-Hassan Abdel-Razzaq, representatives of the organizations and the directors of public services of the Ministry of Health, she called for the need to meet basic needs and provide more efforts. She indicated that the situation requires the intervention of partners in the affected localities and the fight against disease vectors, which requires the provision of pesticides.

The meeting reviewed the update of the epidemiological situation in the localities of the state through the emergency management report, especially regarding the cases of watery diarrhea in the localities of Haya and Tokar, and the efforts made by the health sector to respond to them. Department, Najla Maqit, added that the operational capacity is low and does not exceed 20% compared to the real needs.

The Director of the Laboratories Department, Dr. Safaa Abdel Majeed, highlighted the shortage of laboratory assistants, especially those related to the culture of samples, which affects the ability to diagnose the causes of epidemics.

The management of the National Medical Supplies Fund presented a report on the situation of availability of medicines and demonstrated the need to provide intravenous solutions to meet the needs of treating emergency cases. The representative of the health centers administration, Dr. Lina, also presented the report. efforts of the centers to respond to health emergencies, especially in the administrative unit located south of the locality of Port Sudan.

While Dr. Basit Youssef of the World Health Organization provided clarification on the mechanism for creating a map that reflects the spread and interventions of health partners in the state to support the health emergency plan, the Director of the World Health Office of the State presented the assessment report of the locality of Aqiq, calling on the intervening partners to determine the necessary interventions.

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