Federal Minister of Health: Malaria vaccination will begin in 15 locations in Blue Nile and Gedaref States on November 3.

Director of Expanded Vaccination: Next year, the second new vaccine will be introduced.

Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim announced the start of the introduction of vaccination with the malaria vaccine approved by the World Health Organization on November 3 in 15 localities in Blue Nile and Gedaref states, which will be followed by a number of high-risk localities during the year 2025 AD, which contains four doses to be taken within a period of one and a half years, indicating that the vaccine will be distributed in the most dangerous areas with high rates of malaria infection.

The Director of the Expanded Vaccination Department at the Federal Ministry of Health, Ismail Al-Adani, said in a press statement on Wednesday that the introduction of malaria vaccination and its distribution in the localities with the highest incidence of infection was carried out in accordance with a survey of the prevalence of malaria and reports from emergency situations, where localities with a high rate of malaria infections were selected. It was approved, pointing out that the procedures for receiving the shipments began last year, in 2023 AD, but the war unleashed by the militias prevented the completion of receiving the vaccines.

Al-Adani noted that the vaccine is safe and approved by the World Health Organization, and that the world is behind in developing the vaccine for use in emergencies. Likewise, the second vaccine was approved by the World Health Organization and large quantities were obtained. product, explaining that an opportunity has been opened to introduce it in localities with a heavy burden of patients. This is in line with the map and survey on the spread of malaria, as it has been included in the other stages of introducing the second new vaccine, which. has been recently produced and produced in large quantities and approved by the Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVE), to be introduced in localities with a high patient burden and a high risk of malaria infection in the country, and he added that all localities will be covered by R21 fax, and an assessment of the security situation was made and a division of all areas in the localities that were identified in the first stage, and he added saying according to other priorities, and the choice fell on Gedaref State to include all the localities already present, as well as the Blue Nile region, were on the priority list, and he added that we approved the introduction of the vaccine on November 3 in Blue Nile and Gedaref States. TOT trainers will be trained. then the rest of the trainers will be trained in both states.

Al-Adani stressed that the thinking about vaccines is a result of the high incidence of this deadly disease, especially in African countries that are suffering greatly from the increase in malaria cases and the complications that arise from it, and that the vaccine has been produced. noting that the window was opened through the Global Vaccine Alliance to provide the malaria vaccine to poor countries, and a workshop was held in 2022 AD in Kenya, and Sudan participated with a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Health, where a technical committee was formed to present reports and evidence so that we can introduce the vaccine. Indeed, the technical committee met and all options regarding the vaccine were discussed, and the approved vaccine was chosen from The World Health Organization contains four doses and options. were presented to the committee to ensure the safety of the vaccine.

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