Iran is Israel's curse on you Arabs – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*It is no coincidence that Israel killed Qassem Soleimani in Arab countries, and Iran did not say a word, and it is no coincidence that Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, in the Iranian capital, in one of the largest hotels and in his room on the evening of the inauguration of the new Iranian president, and was unable to do so. Iran even managed to reach the killer, despite its empty claims that Iranian security can never be assured. penetrated, knowing that the killer is necessarily known and announced a few moments after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Iran is content with intimidation and threats for hours, and before Haniyeh's blood dries from the ground of the piece, Iran closes the file and remains silent. . Knowing that Haniyeh is not an ordinary person, but rather the head of the political office of the Palestinian movement Hamas, directly supported by Iran*.

*The day before yesterday, Israel carried out the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, secretary general of Hezbollah, and a number of political, military and field leaders of Hezbollah, knowing that those killed with Hassan Nasrallah were all Shiites, and reports indicate that among the dead were a number of Iranians, despite the force of this strike, the severity of the conditions and the horror of the calamity. However, we see that Iran has remained silent, as if the matter did not concern it. far or near, and Iran will simply denounce and condemn it, retreat to a distant corner and wait for the next victim. If we take into account the conspiracy theory, Iran is accused of having participated and taken part in the operations carried out. by Israel against the victims of the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, otherwise the official sponsor of all the massacres, destruction and displacements taking place in the region*.

*Before the funeral of Hassan Nasrallah and his victims, Iranian media reported that Hachem Safi al-Din would be Hassan Nasrallah's successor as Hezbollah secretary general, and that Qassem Safi was married to the Iranian's daughter Qasem Soleimani, assassinated by Israel, and his brother Abdullah Safi al-Din, head of Hezbollah in Iran, and thus Iran guaranteed the loyalty of the next secretary general of Hezbollah. Either he will do what Iran dictates. for him, otherwise his fate will be like that of his son-in-law and Hassan Nasrallah. Thus, Iran is now part of the plan that seeks to implement the plans of the Children of Zion in the Arab nation. Iran is unlikely to be a source of destabilization of national security in all Arab countries – Shia, Sunnis, Druze, Maronites and other sects, parties and entities*.

*The Arab leaders will find that Iran is the torment of America and Israel on their backs, and Iran will strike the State of Qatar and strike the Kingdom of Arabia from the side of Yemen and from the side of Iraq after having penetrated deep into Iraq. and took control of the reins of power in Bahrain, Yemen and the Sultanate of Oman. As for the scenario presented in the space domain, the conflict between America and Iran is just an audiovisual trick it contains. an undeclared agreement which will result in the attack of Shiite Islam on Sunni Islam in a number of countries, notably in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia*.

Half a fork

*Iran will not avenge the murder of Qassem Soleimani, it will not avenge the murder of Ismail Haniyeh, and Iran will not avenge the murder of Hassan Nasrallah because Iran is part of this plan*.

A quarter of a fork

*Iran will give you water from the same cup it fed Iraq, and very soon*.

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