Engineer Ahmed Abu Shaira is a symbol of goodness and a source of inspiration – Whispering the Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

When we believe that goodness exists in a person, we find that that person is overflowing with gifts in ways that exceed our expectations, and manifestations of the noble human spirit can emerge in these moments, but sometimes we find that the gift can exceed the limits of the norm, creating a positive impact in the lives of those around him. Therefore, we find that such personalities are seen as beacons of inspiration and remind us of the value of generosity and genuine giving in a world that needs more love and giving.

It is often said to be a man (Achilles), because whenever you put a limit on your imagination about him, you find that he far exceeds those limits, and sometimes you will find that your vast imagination runs wild and opens new horizons. you in the idea of ​​this type of human being, but the generosity of this man has… Your perception of him on nature precedes it in a broader way than the imagination, and for this reason we do not find no limit to his gift, which leaves the beaten track more clearly than the sun of the fourth day. This type of people enhances creativity and inspires others to explore possibilities that no one had ever thought of, making them a constant source of inspiration and a symbol of. give.

Thus, we find engineer Ahmed Abu Shaira, CEO of Badr Aviation, ahead of our imagination in giving, who determines the horizons of our dreams and imagination, because he is a man who loves to spend and swim against -fluent. He finds that giving is a real thing. the pleasure of giving, and its spending is not only limited to money, but includes that. He also puts in the time and effort, and he is happy to see the positive impact he leaves on the lives of others, making him a beloved and influential figure. in those around him, his generosity reflects his generous nature and brilliant mind.

Engineer Ahmed reminds me of the character of our master Othman bin Affan in his generosity and abundant donations. We find it always ready to spend for the love of God, as it is also considered a symbol of generosity, selflessness and nobility. shows this spirit in spending and giving, and we find him always ready to give everything for others, he demonstrates a true commitment to humanity towards those around him, which reflects the noble values ​​he inherited from his father. and the thousands of mercies which cover him in the paradise of heaven.

Mr. Ahmed does not have as much money as some people think, but he has a creative mind with which he can manage the resources available around him. He has a clear vision, because he invests his ideas outside the box in order to carve out a place for himself. a special place for himself in society, and thanks to it he can provide help and inspiration to others. He also uses his sharp intelligence to develop innovative solutions to the challenges he faces, and it is for this reason that we find his positive impact on society that goes beyond society. limits of money and business, as we always find it leaving an intellectual imprint that has its own flavor that strengthens the spirit of cooperation and human creativity in society.

Al-Bashi engineer Ahmed played a decisive and important role in saving a woman from certain death, as he bore a large part of her treatment costs. This work was not just a passing aid, but rather an expression of his deep humanity. the concern for the lives of others arising from his generosity, established in the Big House, we therefore find him imbued with all authentic values, and his relationship with this woman has given him new hope of living.

In times of crisis, the qualities of men emerge, as Professor Naguib Mahfouz said: “Nothing increases the price of horses except racing… and nothing increases the value of men except attitudes. We find that Ahmed, an engineer from Al-Bash, embodied these meanings. » his quick response to the call for help. His willingness to endure These expenses are only the expression of his positive attitude with which he can change the destiny of a person's life, and this type of donation strengthens human bonds and reminds us of the importance of staying together in difficult times.

Engineer Bush Ahmed's support for this woman is not only limited to the financial aspect, but also reflects his belief in the value of life and the right of every human being to obtain a decent life and proper care. health, and for this reason this man deserves great thanks and praise, because he is a model of giving and altruism. The presence of such a man in this world gives another taste to life that only those who need it can taste.

We ask God to keep Engineer Ahmed great in his gifts, long in his hand and noble in his feelings towards others. He is the most wonderful example of humanity, because he is a model of generosity and selflessness, thanks to his generous heart. and kind spirit, he inspires others to follow the same path, which helps create a society full of love and mutual support.

And God is behind the intention

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