Deputy Governor Praises Efforts of Ansar al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah Group, Appreciates Armed Forces’ Victories

Mr. Mustafa Muhammad Othman Al-Sharif, Deputy Governor of Nile and State Minister of Culture, Information and Communications, praised the armed forces who achieved victories in all directions. This happened while I was speaking to him in Al-Sharif. Kunoz district in Al-Damir, the celebration organized by the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in the state and locality of Al-Damer on the occasion of the opening of the Al-Siddiqa Aisha Bint Abi Bakr Radi Institute May God bless them both, in the presence and participation of Professor Muhammad Othman Al-Imam, Director General of State Religious Affairs, leaders of the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in the country, state and locality of 'Al-Damer, Sheikh Major General Abdulaziz Ahmed Awad Al-Sayyed, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Nile Valley University, and a large gathering of citizens, the Deputy Governor expressed his great joy during the opening of this advocacy building and praised the appreciated and important efforts of Ansar al. -The Sunnah al-Muhammadiyah group in the state and its positions and concern for advocacy work, especially among women, highlighted the importance and role of women and added that the group was brilliant in all areas , particularly in the field of volunteering and charity. and humanitarian work, and it has strong participation through its charitable organizations in many projects and programs in the state, he added. He said the group had a clear and unmistakable outreach and praised the group's interaction with the nation's issues and concerns and its role in prayer. for the armed forces, emphasizing that prayer is a weapon and calling for the need to expand the idea of ​​these women's Quranic institutes to include other aspects of women's education in the field of small manual and cottage industries to contribute to improving the standard The Deputy Governor stressed the need for the group and all Islamic groups to focus on purifying society and preserving the tolerant Islamic values ​​for which the Sudanese people are known, but the Recent events of the rebellion have created a divide that needs to be bridged through these programs, intensifying and disseminating them, raising awareness, providing insight and providing guidance in combating all customs foreign to our Sudanese society , of whom he was known for his solidarity, his compassion, his chivalry, his courage, his generosity, and his virtuous morals. He extended his congratulations and blessings to the women's committee of the Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiya group in the state and locality of Al-Dahmer for the opening of this building. He said the building is considered a true addition to the building. the state and locality of Al-Dahmer and will have an effective impact, God willing, in advocacy work.

Professor Muhammad Othman Al-Imam, Director General of State Religious Affairs, said that this opening of this building is the most eloquent message to the world from Al-Dahmer that the march of the Holy Quran and Preaching in Sudan will not stop, no matter how harsh the enemies are. He cited the example of women of the Islamic nation and venerable companions who made abundant contributions in various fields during the era. -Kunoz region in Al-Damer locality for learning the Holy Quran and its sciences, and extended warm congratulations to the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group of the country, state and locality for this achievement. always brought us back with hard work and great mobility, and he has trips and tours and proven himself, and it was clear that this group warmed our hearts with such programs, he added , as we witness the opening of this building. , we are reassured that our country and our State are doing well, and he highlighted the great victories won by the armed forces, other regular forces and those mobilized on all combat fronts.

Dr. Badr al-Din Muhammad Ali, representative of the general center of the Ansar al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in the country, confirmed that the group pays special attention to women based on the meanings of our true Islamic religion. An institute opened today has been opened by the group in all states and regions of the country. He highlighted the development of this institute since its launch in the last century, emphasizing that the group focuses on the curriculum. education and recommendation. He highlighted that the group now participates strongly in all movements of the armed forces, in addition to the fact that the group plays an important and important role in serving society. He conveyed greetings from Dr. Ismail Al-Mahi. head of the group in the country, and Dr. Abdullah Ahmed Al-Tahami, secretary general of the group, and their close monitoring of this building until its opening today.

Dr. Othman Abdel Hafeez, general secretary of the group in the state, affirmed his full support to the armed forces as they ensure protection of the nation, land and its honor. He highlighted the role of the group in the state. supporting and assisting the state government and the state community. He congratulated the Women's Committee of Al-Damir locality and Al-Kunoz subdivision, praising all parties who contributed to the creation of this building.

Sheikh Al-Badawi Abdel-Fadil spoke on behalf of the leaders of the group in the locality of Al-Damer and expressed his great joy at the inauguration of this building. He added that the group has always brought good to people in all walks of life.

Sheikha Asmaa Al-Kurdi, supervisor of the institute, spoke at the beginning of the celebration and thanked all those who contributed to the establishment of this institute, emphasizing that the institute will fully pursue its mission.

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