Pliers and a screwdriver, the other side of the war in Sudan – the face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

As I told you before, the Sudanese like new things. They are always looking for astonishment and the idea hidden behind the meanings and lines. They monitor events, news and secrets with enviable intelligence. and began to present them to the President of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council and the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah. The proof is in a creative public framework that wins new spaces in people's hearts every day in ways that are impossible. Of course, this characteristic only appears to media people based on their knowledge, perhaps specialized in creating the personality that leads the masses. These measures, which are implemented intelligently as step-by-step procedures, contribute to a large extent in the development of leaders. and social, military and political figures, by linking their actions and conversations to the public consciousness and mood, is a degree of media content creation that helps create inspiring personalities…so that their words and their actions become the center of people's attention, with what they touch on their feelings and mood, so words and actions become The behavior of Al-Rukban (trend)… Those who follow the events note that there is an incredible industry for President Al-Burhan that is being worked on in an attractive and influential way, and that is a good thing, and it is part of the Sudanese battle against the rebellion. War is not only a military confrontation on the battlefield, but there is another war in which different tools are used to achieve victory. , which was followed since President Al-Burhan explained before the war how they were preventing the country from falling into chaos and that the measures they were taking required patience and wisdom, said: “We are busy digging with the needle. ” That day, people laughed a lot and the saying became a “trend”, and the needle continued to express how the events unfolded. The quick coup is a metaphor for wisdom and the lack of rushed results. Then the war took place in mid-April. last year, after the failure of the coup d'état by the Rapid Support Forces rebels, supported by certain regional and international powers seeking to organize Sudan according to their interests, with some opportunists from local political parties, despite the haste that demonstrated there. the opportunity for the war to break out… because its results and consequences were known to everyone, so the state leaders in the Army Sovereignty Council and the state command -major of the army prevented it from happening to the point that the leader of the rebellion became alone to make the decision and control the country, as stated by Commander Arko Minawi. Returning to the topic of our article, when President Al-Burhan left power after being besieged, this heroic sacrificial operation carried out by the special forces and army intelligence was admired by the Sudanese people. It gave rise to hope for the survival of the country. the state and the government of the army. So this is Al-Burhan's message that he worked on. It was created by the one who manages to create the character in (a cup of tea and dumplings), which he happily ate among. the crowds in astonishing cohesion which expressed the gathering of the Sudanese people around the leadership. It was the most eloquent message about Sudan's exit from the conspiracy. I think this image became a “trend” after activists demanded the leader of Sudan on social media. the rebellion should give a similar example in reference to the news of his death in the first days of the war, which no reliable organ came to confirm or deny until President Al-Burhan started in this relaxed scene , in control and grateful to the forces who accomplished their mission of extracting it with great efficiency. She was the first image and message of the state's transition from siege to regaining control. The world understood this surprising message to all who did. was working to keep the president under siege… to implement this evil plan prepared in advance with the political support of the rebellion by bringing Hamdok back to take the reins of state affairs as owner of the state. Street legitimacy. represents the last government… under the pretext of saving the country from chaos and collapse, in light of the absence of all state institutions from its leader down to its lowest ministers following the surprise of the coup d'état, but as they were working and planning, there were also national parties who were planning, working with intelligence and experience, not like the experience of the activists, it is the experience of the people Sudanese who loves the soil of this country, he is proud and proud. Before Al-Burhan left the leadership, he appeared at the general staff meeting with his weapon drawn, with a very detailed military appearance on the ground. He greeted those gathered and said, “People of the tree, peace be upon you. » People quickly understood the expression and did it. (Trend) They then gave different explanations between the tree in which the army's armor was boldly tied and the tree that the rebel leader said spoke to the satellite channels. , and here it became clear to those who are good at reading the details of the comparison between the intelligent media machine that creates content and advances the army commander and makes his statements (a trend) and between the media machine liar adopted by the rebellion. Then, events unfolded in a way to express the winning points of the war and convey messages to the masses. Then came an important event after the release of the radio, which forced President Al-Burhan to visit the Corps of Engineers and address the army generals. , expressing his opinion on the operations management and processing method. The rebel forces field officer told them that the work was good and advanced, but the problem was there (they did not respond). expression that was introduced to them and continued between sessions of conversation, socialization, entertainment and sociability until it also became a trend. This is how events unfolded and the scene of operations developed yesterday, President Burhan returned to the forefront. (The Trend) forcefully crossed Haditha al-Muqtadib on the floor of the column as he inspected the forces. He said: We have no words, we have (pliers and a screwdriver), then he pointed with both hands, one on. above the other, for what it means (an earring on that one), which is a local expression meaning to besiege the rebellion in all places, or perhaps intense fire without giving to rebellion a chance to breathe. This scene is more like a drama. I think it was not created by chance but rather by a media experiment keen to create content and present leaders in a dynamic form. Therefore, I am almost certain that there is a conscious media behind it. machine that knows how to win war points in terms of moral orientation through ideas that appeal to the masses. We know that the media have become, managed through social networking sites, a major player in media support for military operations. At these sites, national electronic brigades are mobilized to boost the morale of the fighters, proclaim their victories and extol the positions of the leaders, and present them in a popular form that attracts people's interactions. They also work to convey joyful news. so you will use all the advantages offered by the Internet and its applications, as well as all the good propaganda methods that support the idea of ​​​​earning points, and thus it will become an important combat tool that influences the change in the trends of battles. , the face of truth lies in the importance of realizing that this is inseparable from the role of the media in building peace, extending security and consecrating the values ​​of dialogue and peaceful coexistence, we have always emphasized the importance of. rebel forces are implementing the Jeddah Agreement for security and humanitarian arrangements signed on May 11 last year in order to spare the blood of the Sudanese and restore security and peace…and then move on to a popular referendum on governance.

May you always be well.

Monday September 30, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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