Taj al-Din al-Helou…absence in the time of presence – Personalities and events – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*If there were a thermometer to measure wisdom, self-confidence and strength of character, it would be incapable of measuring the wisdom enjoyed by the giant in his youth, Taj al-Din Ahmed al-Helu, one of the leaders and chiefs of the Habbaniya tribe in South Darfur, but he wore the crude national costume during his tenure in Parliament for several terms, and Taj Ahmed al-Helu was one of the leaders of the Habbaniya tribe in South Darfur. greater than the limits of the powers granted to them are among those who create events and await the results, but events do not make them if we count ten wise men from the Dar Four region, headed by Taj al -Din al. -Helu, and if you mention five sages in the south of Dar Four, you will find this man first among them, and if you count two sages in the region In the Great Baram, you will find Taj al-Din al-Helu l 'one of them*.

* Taj Al-Din Al-Helou was created from the clay of humility and wisdom nourished within the environment in which he grew up and from which he knew the destinies of men, so that 'they preserve a position and a value for it. a man who has in the hearts and hearts of men the status of a man who does not know half measures and does not know how to stay in the gray area at all. For him, white is white and black is black. black, and for him the truth is a truth which is superior to him and not superior, and for him the lie is the lie, and if he triumphs over the truth, then it is certain that the lie will not conquer the truth, little It doesn't matter how many victory elements are present. Taj Ahmed Al-Helou receives you with such warmth and kindness that the person looking at him thinks he was created without lips because of excessive smiling. I don't pretend to know. Complete and complete with Taj al-Din Ahmed al. -Helu, but I can say that I knew him under the dome of Parliament and traveled with him on many state trips, and in traveling the minerals of men appear, for his mineral was rarer than the red mineral mercury. you, man*.

* Taj al-Din Ahmad al-Helu, as a parliamentarian, does not address decision-makers at all and does not reach out to them to urgently ask if Taj al-Din Ahmad al-Helu submits a request to a minister or minister. official, this application is intended to serve one's family and community, or for a person in need who cannot reach the place of decision-making. Taj al-Din Ahmad al-Helu (Hanak) The weak) He stretches out his hands. to the needy in the darkness of their nights. He has positions inscribed by history in the tablet of the great*.

*As the great do not witness conflicts, Taj al-Din Ahmed al-Helu was martyred and his soul ascended to his creator after being betrayed by treacherous hands and killed while on a mission to reconcile certain situations in the locality of Buram in South Darfur. With its loss, the Habbaniya tribe lost a sage among its sages and a symbol of its symbols, and like a crown, left the mourners to mourn. Hey, you record an elegant absence in the time of presence*.

*Taj al-Din Ahmed al-Helu, the caliph, appeared smaller than the gondola, Caliph Talat Bruce*.

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