Al-Shaqiyya.. a whale's thorn – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Minawi: Hemedti said on April 13: Whoever loves Khartoum can receive it like ashes burned by Khartoum, why does it not burn?

*The war began on April 12 with the siege of Marawi airport with 100 Thatcher fighter jets and hundreds of militia fighters.*

*Hemedti was shocked and arrogant. He didn't imagine that anyone would say no to him..,*

*Hemedti failed to convince media personalities, poets and artists despite fabulous financial temptations*

*Hamidti said about one of them (this guy is crazy, he doesn't want money, he doesn't want a job, what is this guy doing?)?*

*Hemedti does not know that hundreds of northerners are fighting him in the ranks of the joint forces*

*Al-Safna was taken from Dongola in chains to Omdurman prison after killing his partner and host and stealing his money*

History has been written and will be written, and the leader of the criminal militia, Hemedti, will not forget that the first defeat of his coup forces took place in Marawi, and the criminal Hemedti will not forget that the citizens of Marawi marched out in a roaring march after the arrival of more than a hundred combat vehicles on April 12, heavily armed in twos and fours, with launchers and fuel and water tanks, these large forces did not didn't intimidate them, so they set up a tent and camped. opposite the 19th Division.

Hemedti violated his commitments to withdraw and delayed until his forces attacked the airport at dawn on April 15, coinciding with the attack on the general command and guest house. Contrary to what militia allies claim, they are distorting facts and history. the war began on April 15, ignoring the statement of the official spokesperson of the armed forces on April 12, in which he called on the militias to withdraw because their opening at Marawi airport constitutes a violation of the standing instructions not to move the airport. The armed forces except after the approval of the command of the general staff of the army. The people of Taqadum also forget what they said about the movements of their shuttles and the fact that they were engaged in mediation to prevent the clash from even breaking out on the night of April 15, and they ignored the testimony. by Mr. Mona Arko Minawi, Hemedti carried out what he had said to Minawi two days before the war (He who loves Khartoum can receive it in ashes, an oven was burned… Khartoum, why not burn), so he burned Khartoum,

The militia leader had shame in his throat and wherever his forces went, they found them fighting in the front ranks. They offered hundreds of martyrs to Nyala, El Geneina, El Fasher and Khartoum. the truth about his hatred and hatred towards the people of the North, especially the people of Marawi. At the stage of preparation and planning for the seizure of power, Hemedti worked to convince the residents of the region and in 2020 began purchasing land. from west Omdurman and north to Halfa, and used his authority and the entire state apparatus to acquire an area of ​​land to accommodate (25) thousand families in Marawi, claiming that they were nomads and that they were in fact new settlers in spite of him. Having managed to obtain the land through underhanded methods, the jealous residents of the region refused the bribes and, in accordance with the law, ended the affair. The court only ruled on the case on April 15 and Hemedti failed to convince the media. Poets and artists, despite fabulous financial temptations, and residents of Marawi refused to sponsor the Barkal Tourist Festival and cover all expenses related to organizing the festival. He used to say about one of them: “This guy is crazy, he's not.” I don't want sharks…, he doesn't have a job, what is this guy doing? Hemedti believed that every person had a price, so he organized meetings with the region's symbols, with the aim of recruiting their people into his militias. But its results were a dismal failure. Hemedti was shocked and arrogant. He didn't imagine that anyone would say no to him…so he couldn't help but be deceived by some. Very few people in the region are affiliated. with the standard of insolence and progress.

Hemedti ignores history, just as he ignores everything. The Shaiqiyya are present in all the states of Sudan, and they were like the Comers, distributed in all regions of Sudan, and they intermarried with all the tribes and integrated into the societies. in which they lived, and they had no enmity with anyone, especially those they respected. They are your incubators, and you will find that evil has no incubator, and they will spread around you, and you will only find those who have them. We lived by our blood, our honor and our money. We will retaliate against you and they will be killed.

The threats of Hemedti, his advisors and his supporters towards the people of the North will only increase their certainty and determination to stand at the front of the ranks to defend Merwa, Al-Dabba, Halfa, Al-Fasher, Kosti , and Port Sudan, and for the defense of every square inch of Sudan, in solidarity with all the people of other regions and They are involved in the popular resistance, army, security, police and joint forces, and they will participate by beating you and putting you back in your hole. Hemedti and his allies and supporters will be surprised by the strength and horseshoes that have been prepared for him, and he will regret that Hemedti does not know that hundreds of people. from the north are fighting him in the ranks of the joint forces, and we say to the so-called Savna, who (was taken in chains from Dongola to Omdurman prison after treacherously killing his partner in mining and stealing his money, and the militia brought him out on the day of the opening of the prisons), Marawi and all the north are awake, and go, the sons of Shayeq and (Al-Mushatiq) and all the faithful sons of Sudan will remain a thorn in the Hemedti gorge. .. Do not swallow and do not miss.

October 13, 2024 AD

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