The Sudanese education crisis in Egypt: profound challenges and lasting solutions – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Sudanese education crisis in Egypt represents a major challenge that threatens the future of thousands of Sudanese students. The closure of Sudanese schools in Egypt, although a necessary decision to correct the situation, revealed a deeper crisis in the Sudanese education system.

The causes of this crisis are multiple and are not limited to non-compliance with laws and regulations. Poor planning is considered one of the most important reasons, with the lack of strategic planning for the establishment and operation of Sudanese schools abroad, which has led to the haphazard nature of the establishment of these schools and to their lack of sustainability, in addition to the spread of corruption in the education sector. between educational centers with the phenomenon of randomness in tuition fees and other services, which has led to the exploitation of students and parents, in addition to the lack of effective control of our embassy abroad over the phenomenon of propagation of educational centers. and the insistence on calling them schools, academies and community education rather than Sudanese schools operating abroad, which allowed the spread of irregularities and violations of students' rights, in addition to being all advertised on its billboards advertisers as being affiliated with the embassy. and cultural attaché without anyone being accountable. The war in Sudan has exacerbated the crisis, as the number of students displaced to Egypt, for example, has increased, increasing pressure on that country's education system.

Sudanese students and their families are suffering the effects of the closure of Sudanese schools in Egypt, as they are exposed to educational displacement and loss of learning opportunities, which negatively affects their future. Parents also bear heavy financial burdens due to the search for educational alternatives, in addition to psychological anxiety about their children's future and the disruption their children feel to the local community around them.

Many Arab and African countries have successfully managed their schools outside their borders, through proper planning, effective monitoring, and material and moral support to schools and students. Sudan can benefit from these successful experiences to develop its education system.

Sudanese civil society, clubs and cultural centers abroad play a vital role in supporting education in Sudan. Many NGOs provide educational services to students in need, train teachers, and advocate for education reform.

The proposed solutions include the need to reform the education system, by carrying out a comprehensive reform of the Sudanese education system, including curriculum modernization, school infrastructure development and teacher training, while activating government oversight and strengthening the control over Sudanese schools operating abroad. and ensure their compliance with applicable laws and regulations. There is a need to establish an independent educational body that is responsible for the development and implementation of educational policies and is subject to accountability, while providing financial and moral support to Sudanese schools operating abroad, so that they can provide high quality educational services and strengthen cooperation with countries hosting Sudanese students, to facilitate student registration procedures in public or private schools and provide them with the necessary facilities, in addition to developing distance learning programs to provide learning opportunities. Sudanese students who cannot enroll in traditional schools.

Sudan's education crisis requires the combined efforts of all parties – government, civil society and the private sector – to find radical and comprehensive solutions. Investing in education is an investment in the future of the nation.

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