Red Cross.. United Arab Emirates violates the Geneva Convention – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Red Cross: We are conducting an international investigation into the creation by the United Arab Emirates of the Umm Jars hospital in Chad*

*The New York Times: United Arab Emirates exploits Red Crescent logo to transfer weapons to rebels*

*Red Cross: Using the universal symbol of humanitarian aid is a crime and violates the Geneva Convention*

*Red Cross: UAE blocked Red Cross workers from entering Umm Jars Hospital*

*The Emirates is a country without history, they do not understand the meaning of history or the inevitability of history*

*The battle will be over and the Emirates will lick their wounds, dragging their tails in disappointment and shame, reprehensible and defeated,*

A report from the news platform (Watan) revealed that the International Committee of the Red Cross announced that it had conducted an international investigation into the establishment by the United Arab Emirates of the Umm Jars hospital in Chad and its exploitation to transport deliveries of weapons and drones to the rebels. The Rapid Support Terrorist Militia, under the aegis of the Red Crescent, Tommaso della Longa, spokesperson for the Committee, said: “The UAE operation in Chad has caused deep concern within the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, one of the oldest and most prestigious humanitarian movements in the world. Lunga said, in statements cited by the American newspaper (New York Times), that he only learned through the press that the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent had established a hospital in Am Djers. The International Federation was not informed as it should have been, and the United Arab Emirates. Government propaganda showed workers unloading shipping pallets and treating patients under the Red Crescent logo – an emblem that dates back to the 1870s and is legally protected by the Geneva Conventions. The spokesperson adds that the misuse of this symbol is a war crime and the International Committee. of the Red Cross fears that its reputation for neutrality is under threat. He highlighted the sending of fact-finding missions to Chad in 2023 and 2024 (to better understand) what the Emiratis were doing under the banner of the Red Crescent in Oum Djers. About the Emirates field hospital for unspecified security reasons, officials ultimately left Chad without setting foot in the hospital, while the Emirates Red Crescent did not respond to questions asked . Mr. Konyndyk, an official at the International Refugee Organization, said it was “unprecedented” for a humanitarian organization to prevent its officials from going to a hospital supposed to treat refugees. The UAE appears to be using the Red Crescent as a cover. for arms deliveries to a militia committing atrocities in Darfur. The Red Cross says it is still trying to find out what the Emiratis are planning, adds Mr. Della Longa, spokesperson for the Red Cross, regarding the investigation into the Umm hospital. Jars (The operation is not over yet, we want to get to the bottom of this) and aid organizations are particularly angry with the UAE, accusing it of running a 'fake aid operation' to hide their support to the Rapid Support Forces. , according to Jeremy Konyndyk, head of the International Refugee Organization and a former Obama administration official. And Biden, Konyndyk says of the Emiratis (they want both things. They want to act like thugs, support their militia agents and go thug). they turn a blind eye to everything they do with their weapons and want to appear as a constructive and rule-abiding member of the international system). It uses one of the most famous relief symbols in the world – the red crescent moon, its equivalent. of the Red Cross – to cover its secret operation to send drones to Sudan and smuggle weapons to fighters, satellite images show, the United Arab Emirates is showing the world that it is implementing “priorities urgent” to save the lives of affected Sudanese civilians. by war and uses the Red Crescent logo, the universal symbol of humanitarian aid. In fact, evidence gathered from satellite imagery, flight logs and intelligence reports suggests that the UAE is using this aid as a front for arms smuggling and arms trafficking. operate drones to support Rapid Support Forces,

The UAE was and continues to mobilize all resources to support rapid support militias, money, weapons, mercenary recruitment, technical support and intelligence. The UAE violates international laws and supports a militia that violates human rights and commits war crimes and crimes against humanity. , and dreams and imagines that he will build The eighth emirate in Sudan, according to the Dagalo family, after the destruction of the Sudanese state, the displacement of the Sudanese people and the resettlement of Arab mercenaries from the diaspora, the Emirates lost their interests in (brother) Sudan forever, and what he got in peace he would not get in war.

The Emirates are a country without history. They do not understand what history means, nor the logic and inevitability of history. The Sudanese people and their army will defeat the plots and plans, defeat the Dagalo militia and completely wipe them out. will be over and the Emirates will lick their wounds with traces of disappointment and shame, reprehensible and condescending.

October 16, 2024 AD

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