A message to the Minister of Energy ✍️ Ahmed Mohamed Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send you good greetings from the land of glory, from our dear homeland, Sudan, and its people, who fought in the midst of a war that broke out in their land and who recorded epics and heroism which will be a source of pride for the Sudanese. history.

This is my second message to a service that has become the backbone of life because it must depend on it, namely electricity, which is no longer the title of civilization, but rather constitutes every detail of the life of a citizen, especially the livelihood aspect. .

I will not tell you about the deterioration of this service. The sound of generators operating in markets, basic services and neighborhoods is enough to announce it.

They tell us about the improvement in service, which has become a broken record

Then the business declines and we hear about the need to make it happen. It started with the transformers being changed, but the situation remains the same. After that, there was talk of changing the internal transformers in the regions and districts until the 33rd. After that, we will talk about networks and lines. For God's sake, my brother minister, isn't this the Bermuda Triangle?

Nile State is now the center of Sudan and a destination for all its people (housing – education – health – investment and other areas), but the state of electricity there will overcome all this.

We know the circumstances of the war and the state of this service, even in the administrative capital, but this institution needs an urgent break because it is one of the facilities that has been tampered with and its qualified personnel have been moved during the Dark Age of Hamdok. , it is therefore necessary to carry out a complete and comprehensive examination.

This sector pays up front to obtain the service. Is it possible that these are services for a facility that received all of its rights before providing them. This question, my brother Minister, requires rapid and decisive decisions.

Electricity has become necessary because it intervenes in all areas of life, which requires the intervention of Hossam and similar decisions at the stage the country is going through.

We need an urgent victory in this sector, in addition to the devastating victories that the country is witnessing on the military, sporting and media levels to defeat the global evil plan.

This sector needs a comprehensive campaign against all those who are negligent, negligent or who have an opposition political identity. There are many of them, so strike with an iron fist, my brother the Minister.

We ask God for victory for the soldiers of Sudan in the battle of the eternal nation. May God accept the urgent recovery of the injured. Return the missing to their families, safe and sound. Almighty, Lord of the Worlds.

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