Political Advisor to the Justice and Equality Movement: Media freedom is guaranteed, but distortion of facts is an offense punishable by law

Babakir Hamdine

Political Advisor to the President of the Sudan Justice and Equality Movement

We, in the Sudan Justice and Equality Movement, believe in the principle of media and press freedom and the right of journalists and others to exercise freedom of opinion and express it across all the media and in accordance with the rules and regulations of journalistic work. so as not to make mistakes or infringe on the freedoms and rights of others. We work to promote and protect this right, but when that right turns into a frenzied campaign of lies, fabrications, rumors and incitement aimed at undermining the leadership of the movement. and harm him by fabricating arbitrary accusations to defame him, distort his image and harm the unity and cohesion of Sudanese society. Of course, this will be unacceptable and unacceptable to anyone, and it deviates from the framework of the desired freedom and becomes freedom. crime punishable by law.

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