Director of North Kordofan Revenue Authority: Al-Obeid Hospital's revenue is huge and will enable it to solve its problems and develop its services

## Hashem Abdel Qader: We must economically protect all Al-Obeid Hospital staff so that they are not vulnerable to blackmail and polarization from the private sector.

## Hashem Bashir: The health sector generates huge revenues, as the expansion of the private sector in Al-Abyad clearly shows.

# # Bashir Abdel Qader: We have developed a methodology to activate neglected income, and this will start immediately at Al-Obeid University Hospital with the operation of all departments and the expenses devoted to them, and we do not allow the expansion of the private sector at the expense of the collapse of the health situation there.

Professor Hashim Bashir Abdel Qadir, Director General of the North Kordofan State Development and Revenue Collection Authority, said his plan to activate revenue in this difficult period will be based on a completely unconventional approach , which consists of spending on known sources of revenue and activating neglected sources until all lost revenue is controlled and integrated into revenue and exchange controls (Mirrors).

Hachem said in press releases: This program will be implemented immediately in the departments of Al-Abyad University Hospital for measurement.

Hashim explained that the health sector in North Kordofan State in general is considered one of the largest sources of income, and this is evident from the spread of private health facilities in Al-Obeid and competition between them, even in the payment of executive salaries. Therefore, we: In the context of reading this (case), attention must be paid to all departments of the hospital, as a government educational hospital, which plays a major therapeutic role and is within the reach of all citizens. .

Hachem said I believe that granting full revenue to Al-Obeid Hospital will cover the operating costs of basic benefits and incentives for staff.

Hachem mentioned that we need to economically protect the staff of Al-Obeid Hospital so that they are not vulnerable to blackmail and recruitment in other health sites (the private sector), because the private sector pays them more as part of the competition campaign between them. .

Abdul Qader added: “We face a big challenge to achieve the goal of attracting citizens to Al-Abyad University Hospital to receive treatment at lower cost and with much better quality than private hospitals , noting that there are necessary health services that are only available at Al-Abyad Hospital, in addition to the symbolic value of certain services, for example (intensive care). Maintaining these services is an absolute necessity (as he puts it) if the expansion of the private sector in the health sector is to be possible. not based on the collapse of the health situation at Al-Abyad University Hospital, Hachem added that it is our responsibility as a state to maintain operational health institutions that any citizen can access and benefit from their services.

Hashem Abdel Qader confirmed that the income of Al-Obeid Hospital is very significant (according to experience), if managed professionally and with new thinking based on identifying the roots of the crisis and their resolution, and the orientation of income towards the correct way, to meet real and direct needs.

He added: Therefore, we will spend on medical services ensuring that all collections are a gateway to controlling revenue loss according to the plan and proposed methodology. Therefore, we will organize consultative and participatory meetings with the Director General of Al-. Obeid Hospital and other relevant technical agencies, to achieve a common vision that will contribute to progress towards public satisfaction.

It is noteworthy that Professor Hashim Bashir Abdul Qadir was appointed by decision of the Governor of North Kordofan State, Professor Abdul Khaleq Abdul Latif Wada' Allah, succeeding Professor Jaafar Taj Al-Din.

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