The ultimate losers – A whale's thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it. Yesterday, politician Al-Tom Hajo recorded a confession in front of participants at the National Forces Coordination Conference in Port Sudan. He recognized the failure of Sudanese politicians to lead Sudan and acknowledged this failure. ideological and sectarian parties. We can say that Al-Toum Hajo has been involved in political work for more than fifty years, Omar Al-Zaman spent half of them opposing regimes and then reconciling with them, occupying ministerial, constitutional positions and constitutional. Al-Tom's confession about yesterday's attack is widely known. Sheep farmers know this. The failure of Sudanese politicians does not need to be proven. The proof is that what is happening today in Sudan is. nothing but a political struggle with military tools. Some politicians managed to convince the militia leader of quick support, taking advantage of his ignorance of the turning points in Sudanese politics, so they carried out what was expected of them, then turned away and left his soldiers in an open battle with results, possibilities and facts that the most optimistic people cannot hope to see end in the near future*.

*And we, as a generation, have worn the scarf of sacrifice since our first cry. We have experienced your failure, we have seen it with our own eyes and we know that you are too young to lead the country. because you did not have the tools of politeness in case of disagreement, and you did not recognize each other, and you did not feel the value of having a homeland that can welcome you all and accommodate ten times more among you as God has loved you. a country. You enjoy all the natural resources, but you fail to exploit them optimally and you fail to manage the resources that have been exploited. One of your faults is that you don't recognize yourself and that you have so much hatred and envy. everyone can contain it if it were distributed to them, and your hatred and hatred towards one another only diminishes as a point diminishes the water of the sea*.

*We know that you have failed when you allowed yourself to override the military establishment and overthrow democratic regimes since Mr. Abdul Rahman handed over the elected government to General Ibrahim Abboud in November 1958, two years after the independence, and then you stole the October 1964 revolution, which ended with the Communist Party taking power. In May 1969, when you allowed yourself to imprison Ismail Al-Azhari until he died in prison, you then stole the revolution of April 1985 and the Islamic Front turned against a communist party. regime elected in June 1989. You are politicians without honor, without morality and without principles*.

*We know you are failures. You all participated in the rescue system, and when the rescue ship sank, you jumped out and fought among yourselves. Some of you gained strength with the army rifle, others with the army rifle. support rifle, and you took a Trojan horse from them to use to govern. Some of you threw yourself into Volker's arms to dismantle the army, and some of you staged a sit-in on Palace Square and are plotting. against the other party, and even the Sufi orders were not spared by your deception, and you took from Al-Tayyib the grandfather a ladder to achieve your personal, party and political interests until the incident occurred on April 15, 2023, which is the beginning of the end of Sudan whose components are in conflict on this subject. You have succeeded in pushing the leaders of the indigenous administration into political work, and you have made them lose respect for their rules*.

Half a fork

*We know that you are failures par excellence, and despite this, you hold on to your positions and work hard to achieve power in whatever way is best or most difficult for you. Your concern is to govern and to agree to never. accept.*

A quarter of a fork

*Despite your known failure, you will not necessarily give the young people a chance until they have faced the Angel of Death in combat*.

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