A battle for survival and a battle for a homeland – a different rhythm – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Yassin

Sudan is waging a heroic battle against foreign-backed rebel militias to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Sudanese Armed Forces are steadfast, and the regular agencies stand in solidarity and stand united alongside the Sudanese people, unwavering in the face of plans to fragment the state and hand it over to foreign agendas. The Battle of Karama achieves successive victories and gradually approaches a complete defeat of the rebel militia which will force it to surrender.

In addition to its withdrawal to the battle fronts, the rebel militia is facing a massive media campaign that exposes the falsity of its claims and exposes its nefarious goals. National media are actively leading this campaign, highlighting the plans of these militias to destabilize Sudan and divide its lands. The role of countries supporting these militias is also revealed, whether by financing and arming them, or encouraging them to commit crimes against civilians.

Sudanese diplomatic efforts are joining forces at different levels to mobilize international support for the country's just cause. Sudanese diplomacy is strongly present in all international forums, explaining Sudan's principled position on the war imposed on it and calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities and adopt a firm stance against countries supporting rebel militias, which which strengthens its position in its noble fight against the forces of rebellion and seeks security and stability.

The Sudanese government pursues a policy of openness to all countries and seeks to strengthen its external relations with brotherly and friendly countries. It pays particular attention to relations with countries that support the sovereignty and unity of Sudan and seeks to cooperate with them in various areas. These relations contribute to strengthening Sudan's international position and realizing its national interests.

In conclusion, Sudan, through its determination and valiant resistance, constitutes an honorable model for countries facing similar challenges. The victories of the Sudanese armed forces confirm the determination of the Sudanese people to protect their homeland and their future. Whatever challenges it faces, Sudan will remain resilient to all conspiracies.

The battle for dignity is not just a military conflict, but rather a battle for survival and a battle for the homeland. The Sudanese people and their armed forces are fighting it with determination and resolve, believing in their ability to achieve final victory. History will write the story of his steadfastness and patience, and it will immortalize the sacrifices of his courageous sons who gave their lives in sacrifice for the homeland.

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