A brief summary of the symposium on the Framework Agreement and the formation of the Nile Basin Commission

In the context of Sudan's interest in its water security, important views were presented at a symposium on the implications of the Framework Agreement, the formation of the Nile Basin Commission and the future of Sudan's water.

The deliberations of the symposium on the implications of the Framework Agreement and the formation of the Nile Basin Commission and the future of water in Sudan saw yesterday, via ZoomMeeting, rich and important interventions from experts and specialists in water issues presented by Professor Seif El-Din Hamad Abdullah… The discussion was moderated by Dr. Mudassir Zarrouk.

In the same context, Professor Saif delivered a valuable and interesting lecture that lasted for four consecutive hours, including a presentation of the content and a discussion in which a number of experts, specialists, opinion leaders, journalists and an interested audience participated.

The symposium is considered one of the most important symposiums presented recently on the Framework Agreement and the establishment of the Nile Basin Commission. The symposium focused on the history of cooperation between the Nile Basin countries, existing and future benefits, improving interests and confronting potential challenges. Participants also stressed the importance for Sudan to present a vision. A clear statement on the establishment of the Commission during the scheduled meeting period of the water ministers of the Nile Basin countries in October next year… in addition to the importance of adherence by all parties. previous agreements related to the Nile waters… in addition to the importance of prior notification in case of new projects on the Nile and its tributaries… Participants also stressed the importance of making decisions and voting on them at meetings related to future projects are based on consensus and not on majority… so that this strengthens the common interests between the parties and ensures the success of the Commission in all its work.



Transition Committee.

Section 14B and water safety.

Uses and rights.

In addition to the various meetings of ministers, the most important of which are (Kinshasa, Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh and Addis).

Sudan freezes its membership through this initiative and unfreezes it.

In addition to Sudan's efforts to persuade Egypt to join the cooperation, as well as a detailed definition of the cooperation framework agreement.

And the major role of Sudan and Egypt in reaching the current formula and resolving the conflicts.

Added to the existing agreements in the Nile Basin is the difficulty of reaching a solution, even within the framework of United Nations law.

With the commitment not to cause significant damage.

And the principle of reasonable and fair use.

The relationship between United Nations laws and Islamic law.

The symposium also recommended applying the principle of prior notification in the Nile Basin without veto power.

How to manage ecosystems.

How to manage wetlands and marshes.

The view of customary international law and its definition.

The date of inclusion of green water and blue water.

He also presented technical opinions on the history and evolution of geopolitical conditions and geopolitical conditions prevailing in the Nile Basin.

And the future water needs of the equatorial basin countries, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt.

And the legal aspects that govern relations between the countries of the Nile basin.

The Chinese role in the Nile Basin… and the role of the Nile Basin Initiative.

On the other hand, participants and observers described the symposium as valuable, as it contained a thorough analysis and made excellent recommendations for the next step. Experts in water, law and diplomacy also enriched the debate through important interventions.

It is worth noting that Sudan, Egypt and South Sudan were in a position to resist the signing of the Entebbe Agreement… the implementation of which depended on the signature of the State of South Sudan, which recently ratified it, surprisingly at the beginning of the year. last June 2024 AD, and it represents (the Nile Basin Cooperation Framework Agreement)… Thus, the State of South Sudan granted a quorum to the countries that signed the agreement to submit it to regional and international organizations (the United Nations and the African Union) for approval and approval. The agreement allows for the reduction of the shares of Sudan and Egypt in the waters of the Nile. It approves the establishment of the Nile Basin Organization to restore the division water, manage it and supervise its use. It is clear that the State of South Sudan continues to sign the Comprehensive Framework Agreement known as (CFA), which aims to establish a comprehensive agreement for water management in the Nile Basin, by establishing a permanent organization for cooperation among the countries of the South. the basin.

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