A call for justice for a student and protection of citizens' rights begins with holding police officers accountable – Whispering Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

A real robbery was committed by a police team at the base of Merawi Bridge, and its victim was a young student of the Faculty of Law at Cairo University. Its scene was the buildings of the local police headquarters and its witnesses were the nation “There is no god but God”, in addition to about fifty people who were passengers of the Abu Amer bus coming from Atbara, which was operated by the victim to the city of Dongola.

The bus was detained at the base from two in the afternoon until sunset, in order to exploit all the tools of terror against this grieving student until he understood that the issuance of his release was a reward for the sum that had been stolen from him.

The events of this crime took place in the safe and gentle city of Marawi, which can add to people but never take away from them. It is a country of goodness and kindness and a country of security, security and generosity. no homeland, tribe or address, but despite this, it happened. Before explaining it as a crime, this moral catastrophe in Merowe began with the search of the Al-Kubri base in Merowe. During the search, sums of money were found there. possession of the student, most of which were in Egyptian pounds. In response to his direct question, he told them that he was a university student studying in Cairo, and that this amount was 100. He was in possession of a supplement for his tuition fees, and he was in possession of a supplement for his tuition fees. identified through the documents he showed them.

He was taken to the premises of the local police headquarters, where those who carried out the arrest were joined by two other people who were in the police premises, one of them tall and the other shorter than him, and the latter was dressed in a uniform with a butterfly feeding on intravenous fluids in her hand.

These details indicate that the situation was very worrying, as the smaller individual seemed to suffer from a health problem that required the use of this butterfly. The atmosphere in the police station was charged with tension, with doubts about the motives for the arrest of this student. and the nature of the accusations against him. This overlap between the exploitation of authority and the weakness of the victims in such situations, especially after the magnitude of the crimes and atrocities committed by the militias against citizens.

Four hours or more of boring waiting under the scorching sun. The passengers of the bus began to feel restless and extremely anxious. In addition to the lack of drinking water in their possession, they were forced to knock on the doors of nearby neighbors. seeking to quench their thirst or provide for their needs.

The scene reflects real suffering in the absence of any clarification from the authorities about the situation of the detained student, which increased the tension in the atmosphere and deepened everyone's feeling of anxiety, and the states of anger and fear intertwined, making everyone wonder about the fate of their companion, and what could happen to him in these critical moments.

After this long wait, the student was released, but he was astonished by the crime that had happened to him and part of his money was returned to him, but the state of fear that seized him due to the seriousness of the terrorism to which he was exposed, prevented him from claiming the rest of his sum, and he was thinking about the question of his release. His escape from the jaws of the crocodile was like a trophy, in light of the danger that threatened him.

All the passengers on the bus were grateful for their comrade's survival, but the student was suffering from a severe psychological shock due to the black injustice he had suffered at the hands of the police (the servant of the people), which led him to reconsider his attitude. law studies. He was assassinated at the Al-Mabri base by regular officers. This experience left a deep impression on him and led him to rethink his trust in the authorities responsible for protecting him.

I call on the Minister of Interior and the Director General of Police to respond to the violations committed against this student by Marawi City investigators at the bridge foundations. The amount stolen from him must be returned to him and he must be compensated for the psychological damage he suffered as a result of the behavior of those who are supposed to protect citizens.

This type of behaviour causes a loss of confidence in our security institutions and must therefore be dealt with very decisively to ensure that this type of blackmail does not happen again and that the rights of citizens must be protected at all times.

And God is behind the intention

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