A Call to Bank Managers: Make it Easy for Retirees and Don't Complicate It ✴️ Another Angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

Dr. Salem Muhammad Ali, commenting on the first article, wrote:

This is the world with its destinies, and its conditions fluctuate between elevation and abasement, grasping and extending, giving and withholding. Conditions change with events and destinies, night after day, darkness after light, sadness after joy, humiliation after glory. times, such as the countries have witnessed. He who is content with a time, has bad times, let him be tempted by the good life of a person. The freshness of a grove remains so if it is green on the dry side.

What is the matter of the days and what is the taste of these poor miserable people whose life has sucked the sap of their youth and consumed their strength? I feel sorry for them. Yesterday they were proud, powerful, splendid and splendid. radiant. Some of them were like kings, surrounded by blankets, their requests were granted and their instructions were carried out. They came and went and forbade, and they received orders, giving and refusing to wear beautiful clothes and to take them. The ornaments they wished for. The people and the disciples were called by great titles, revered and respected, and some of them were among the ruling and sovereign people. Yes, they were above that. Then the age turned against them, stripping them. of what lasting happiness they had and placing them among the humble. Such is the state of the time. Happiness is for its day and its sadness for the night. It does not bear the bright day if it is followed by the dark night. for them, because it has been denied. Eternity and people belong to them, and eternity has helped to humble them. They walk between hope and pain and do not look back if the shock of dispossession and dispossession causes death or contracting of drugs. that do not work together, drugs do not work together.

What misery and pain has befallen these people who served their homeland, built it, guarded it and watered it with their sweat, and then became their sustenance. What is wrong with this phrase, and what is its meaning? Take a little of what you need to survive until the end of the inevitable life. I looked every day at these brothers who were masters, and I enter the market and see their rows as if they were snakes. , twisted, disheveled in appearance, clothes covered in dust and dirt, in their condition with holes and incredulous faces, women and men, kings and soldiers, as if they had left this world early, prowling around the banks, hoping that one of the two. They would find part of his pension that had been deducted to save him hours and days of sulking, but far from it, far from it.

I have seen them time and again, hundreds or thousands, thronging the doors of the banks from the early hours of the morning until the doors of hope were troubled by the anxiety of the doors of the banks, and they returned humiliated after suffering, and perhaps some of them did not enter the beds of breakfast to quench their thirst, so they returned from whence they came, hoping for a dark tomorrow, but it is the door of hope for the weak.

How I imagine those people yesterday, and how dark I see the picture before me. Imagine if one of them came back empty-handed, full of joy, with a broken heart and broken wings, and found his bearded birds waiting for him. You can imagine this situation: it is a trial and a test in a time of misery and misery.

It is strange what happens to these people, and it is no wonder that you are waiting in a country that has a mirage and seems shadowed with terror. And it is strange that a soul of distress or need is waiting for you at home. and desolation.

Indeed, Sister Dr. Amna Abdel Rahman, this is a sad period in which the dear is humiliated, the beautiful is not appreciated, and the one who made the most effort is not thanked, and then his corner is threatened until the moment he enters the grave.

My Lord, look with Your kindness upon Your servants who have been called the Living, and send down upon them Your grace and Your mercy, and do not abandon us to ourselves or to anyone else for the blink of an eye, or more than that, or less.

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