A Call to Bank Managers: Make it Easy for Retirees, Don't Complicate It ✴️ Another Angle ✴️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

The bitter reality resulting from this war has cast a shadow over every detail of daily life, and everyone is suffering in terms of daily wages, treatment or various services. However, in this corner, we highlight the suffering of our fathers and uncles. on retirement, as they gasp and struggle to pay their pensions. We know the conditions in which banks operate because we are well acquainted with banking procedural controls and understand the nature of the segment in question, but we appeal to the leaders of these banks to think outside the box to find solutions and mechanisms to facilitate the disbursement process of elderly retirees who pay a high price for their health and dignity in the ranks of banks. We also hope to take into account the specificity of the situation of banks. this important segment in its various circumstances, including the disabled, the sick and those with chronic diseases, even if they are in perfect health and well-being, are entitled to respect and honor from us.

We renew our call to the banks, and a little positive thinking and reflection will certainly produce results that will strengthen the good reputation of the banks in the city of El Obeid and pay tribute to the people who have spent their lives serving this country.

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