A disaster… she said it with attitude!!! – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

As I read in yesterday's news, the guards of one of the bases in the Nile State, north of Shendi, arrested a woman who was driving a car alone, accompanied only by the driver, and that the moving car specially intended for this woman was carrying large quantities of goods and contraband, and she moved with her goods from the south to the north until reaching this place near the Damer without being detained or arrested as the owner of the goods or the car carrying this quantity of goods. papers, including prohibited items.

The news says that the people who were in that base, after seizing that woman and the goods, asked her how she was able to cross and pass all the checkpoints south of their point, and no one stopped her, so her answer was (with an attitude), which meant that she paid for the crossing and she didn't mind paying now!!!

She, the goods, the car and the driver were arrested and handed over to the Nile agencies, according to news reports…

On several occasions, in order to demand greater control and monitoring of the entries and exits of the States through these bases, we have drawn attention to the importance of continuous monitoring and day and night inspection tours for these bases and points. We have even demanded that some of them, if not all, be equipped with equipment capable of detecting with X-rays anything that the capabilities and capacities could not reach the average person…

There are many stories circulating about those cooperating with the rebel militias passing through these points, including those transporting fuel and perhaps weapons, and all those helping these aggressors…

What has been said in the news on this point requires a serious and serious investigation that uncovers the reasons for this laxity and chaos that allows everything to happen only because the one who carries the thing knows how to act.

There must be strict coordination and supervision at these points, and controllers must be established and appointed, some of whom supervise others to ensure the safety of the execution. Before this, the necessary measures are taken and the most severe sanctions are imposed on those who accept behavior like this cargo carrier, because in doing so they have caused much harm and calamity that God alone knows…

May God help everyone

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