A group of sons of Shindi Al-Kubri – National solidarity to support the war effort and support the armed forces – On a quiet fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟠 In the Great Hall of Shendi locality, the scene of the event was a grand gathering titled “Love of the Motherland”, the massive influx of Shendi from all the deep valleys in response to the call of duty. , in which the spirit of patriotism and deep national affiliation overflowed.

🟠 Nafra is considered one of the sons of Shindi

The bright places of the history of the national movement, where the spirit of solidarity and loyalty in favor of the war effort are embodied.

🟢 The roots of this alienation go back to

Long story, where I contributed to

Strengthening and consolidating national unity

The position of the armed forces in

Times of adversity.

This initiative shows how

An entire community can come together

In order to achieve the objectives

Noble patriotism, support

necessary for his children in the armed forces.

🟢 The Sons of Shindi movement comes from a long historical heritage that spans several decades. The region has experienced multiple historical stages, from wars to periods of peace, which have always reflected the vitality of its people in their active participation.

🟠 The story of this group reflects the strength of the collective spirit of the city of Shendi and its people in the face of national challenges. The influence of this alienation continues to become a symbol of pride and belonging among successive generations.

🟢 The Sons of Shindi group's main objective is to strengthen support for the war effort by collecting financial and material resources and making them available to the army.

🟢 Al-Nafra also seeks to boost the morale of soldiers by stressing the importance of…

The sacrifices they make

The path to the homeland.

🟠 The initiative aims to improve

Culture of unity and solidarity between

Community members, who contribute

By promoting positive attitudes

Towards the armed forces and their role in

Protect the homeland.

Providing community support to support the national land protection effort.

🟢 The armed forces are considered the backbone of any country seeking to maintain its sovereignty and security.

🟢 Community support for these forces helps strengthen their capabilities

To face the challenges.

When soldiers feel supported by their community, it reflects positively on their morale and performance.

The Shendi tribe is therefore a practical embodiment of this great importance, as it strives to support the armed forces with everything it has.

🟠 Embodying community engagement

The people of Shindi have a cooperative spirit

And friendliness.

Individuals of different ages and professional groups contribute to collecting donations and resources to support the forces. Events and activities are also organized to bring people together to strengthen the national spirit.

🟠 Thanks to this participation, social relations are strengthened and bridges of trust and respect are built between the different members of society. The locality of Shendi played a central role because it brought together all the entities

The impressive results were achieved thanks to the Chamber of Commerce's eagerness to support the nation, which always takes the initiative to respond to a call.

🟠 And the owners of the lost exhibitions

They left and saved nothing. 100 equipped vehicles and 20 engines.

🟠 And the money men are owners

Commercial and industrial companies paid in cash until they were overflowing.

They all have their thanks and gratitude for their great support and assistance.

The consequences of the alienation of Shendi's sons show a positive effect

Large at the national level.

🟢 This initiative has helped to strengthen the sense of belonging to the homeland and motivate citizens to actively participate in national affairs. It has also increased the sense of individual responsibility towards supporting the armed forces. Thus, this group is considered an example to follow in other areas that require solidarity and community awareness.

🟢 Despite the successes achieved, the sons of Nafra Shendi faced many challenges. It was difficult to properly manage the resources

Efficient and integrated

All participating categories.

🟢 Social and economic conditions also impacted the community's ability to contribute sustainably.

But this did not prevent them from responding to the call of karma and the duty of their homeland.

🟢 Meeting these challenges requires innovative means and continuous cooperation between all sects to achieve the desired goals.

🟢Young people play a crucial role

He alienated the people of Shindi because of their enthusiasm and ambitions.

Through voluntary activities and initiatives, young people help to strengthen national awareness and motivate others to participate.

🟢 Their presence at the heart of this initiative sends a clear message

On the need to continue supporting the armed forces and building a strong homeland.

Youth are considered as the future of the nation and their role in this movement shows their responsibility towards the nation.

🟢 The Shendi tribe emphasizes the importance of community communication and solidarity in supporting the war effort and supporting the armed forces. Through joint efforts, individuals and society can make significant contributions to strengthening national security and stability. This is a model of coordination and cooperation.

Among all the effective ways to promote

National values ​​and contribution

To achieve a better future.

The sons of Nafra Shendi remain a living embodiment of unity and loyalty in the face of different circumstances.

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