A journey through time and a dive into an ancient civilization by visiting museums – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ M. Salah Ghariba

International Museum Day, May 18, is an invitation to reflect on the role of museums as guardians of memory and living cultural edifices that embody the scent of civilizations and immortalize human creativity throughout the ages. In Sudan, museums are priceless treasures that embody. the rich history and ancient civilization of the country. From the Sudan Museum The National Museum, which includes objects dating back to prehistoric times, to the Meroe Museum, which allows us to explore the civilization of the great kingdom of Meroe, all the way to Sudan. The Museum of Civilizations, which presents a complete panorama of the history of Sudan through the ages. Sudan's museums are a journey through time that enriches the mind and inspires the soul.

But unfortunately, Sudanese museums do not receive enough attention from citizens, and we realized this through our experience in the Sudanese Friends of Tourism Organization. We organized group trips to the museums of Khartoum for members of the organization and to the Kings of the Nile. Tours organized by Dongola Society for Nubian Culture and Heritage, Cairo office, we have organized trips especially for members of the Sudanese community residing in Egypt.

Through the Sudanese Friends of Tourism in Egypt branch, we call on members of the Sudanese community in Egypt to seize this opportunity, and to seize their presence in a country rich in museums, to discover the ancient culture of Egyptian museums, and to 'gain valuable experiences in museum management, artifact care and visiting Egyptian museums. By regularly visiting Egyptian museums, you will enrich their knowledge of the history of Egyptian civilization, develop their organizational and communication skills, and help them understand the best. ways to display objects and attract visitors. With the end of the war in Sudan, the reconstruction of the country and its cultural renaissance will become the responsibility of your generation. Your experience in the museum field will be a powerful tool in preserving Sudan's rich heritage and passing it on to future generations.

We can make this call a reality by forming groups to visit museums. You can form groups of community members to regularly visit Egyptian museums, set a specific day each week or month for these visits, and participate in International Museum Day activities. . Many Egyptian museums are hosting special events for International Museum Day, including musical performances, art exhibitions, interactive workshops and free tours. You can raise awareness about the importance of museums and their role in society by writing articles on or participating in social media sites. during seminars and cultural events.

Exploring and visiting the museums of Sudan is a responsibility that falls on every Sudanese. Let us be ambassadors of our culture and our civilization and help preserve our ancient heritage for future generations. Our trip is not limited to exploring the museums of Sudan, but also extends to the Egyptian museums. Egypt is home to a large number of museums that embody the different eras and civilizations that took place on its territory. From the Museum of the Great Egyptian Civilization, considered the largest museum in the world, to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, which includes a huge collection of pharaonic objects, through the Museum of Islamic Art, which allows us to explore the masterpieces of Islamic art throughout the ages, Egyptian museums make for an unforgettable cultural and artistic journey.

Regularly visiting the museums of Egypt and Sudan will help us better understand our history and civilization: Visiting museums will help us better understand our history and civilization, and discover the creativity of our ancestors, and together we can build a better future for Sudan. , a future rich in culture and knowledge!

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