A major environmental sanitation campaign in Shindi

A major environmental sanitation campaign will be launched on Saturday in all administrative units of the locality of Shendi. The campaign will begin in southern Shendi, Saturday and Sunday in the villages of Qlayaat, Monday in the village of Muis and Tuesday in the districts of Shendi. city, then the rest of the regions.

The imam and preacher of the ancient mosque of Qalaia, Sheikh Qamar al-Din Ibrahim Qamar al-Din, called on citizens to participate with great intensity and enthusiasm in the environmental sanitation campaign, particularly young people, conscripts and housewives.

He said environmental sanitation campaigns are very important to reduce disease vectors and the rainy season is approaching so that waste and rainwater do not accumulate to form a fertile place for reproduction of mosquitoes and flies.

He added that the success of the Environmental Sanitation Day in Qlayaat is an indicator of the success of the campaign at the local level.

He pointed out that the youth of Qlayaat were known for their strong participation in mobilizing and organizing treatment, health and other days.

The Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi announced its participation in this campaign because it believes in its importance and to advance the efforts made by the local community in this direction.

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