A message in the mail of the country's leaders. Pay attention to the formation of public opinion in times of war – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

In our country, we see that the leadership prefers to communicate with all media, whether large or medium. This is a good thing, because it reflects the modern media trend that aims to increase transparency and direct communication with citizens. But there must be a special feature. departments that can own the private group of private information.

Senior journalists must come forward to raise awareness and support leaders in these difficult and critical circumstances that our country and our people are going through.

Many countries in the region and the world rely on three or four influential and respected journalists, respected and trusted, to create and direct public opinion. They have access to private information that is usually only available from their sources, on events or trends. political, military or development work. Thus, opinion leaders do a great service to their country and their people… by actively participating in enlightenment and awareness.

Despite the importance of having a diverse media, especially in light of the media flow through electronic media, it is particularly important that high-level influential journalists, on whom leaders depend to convey news and information that help stabilize positions or shape national public opinion. These models exist in our Arab and African circles.

As we know, there is no neutrality in the battle of the homeland, but rather there are tools, each of which depends on the effective tool that achieves the goal by which it supports the homeland and the state. This is done in accordance with the direct directives and instructions of the head of state. This is the wise approach through which the media of our country are able to present a distinguished service to the nation and society … which is reflected in increased awareness and effective communication with all segments of society.

Therefore, leaders must create two levels of communication with the media, a private level and a public level. This is the best way to effectively convey one's messages and directives to the people. It also aims to achieve comprehensive communication with citizens and build bridges of trust with them.

In order for the role played by seasoned and influential journalists to be maximized and gain great importance in shaping public opinion and raising awareness of national and regional issues… Therefore, leaders must also notice and appreciate the important roles played by journalists, and support them in their mission in a way that meets the public interest and improves overall communication between the government and citizens.

May you always be well..

20/July/2024 (email protected)

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