A message of peace… on spiders – ink and pen – ✍️ Moataz Abdel Qayyum

Sports play an important role in reforming society and promoting human values. They are able to overcome political differences and unite people under the banner of fair competition. In a world full of challenges, we see that sports events create an atmosphere of cooperation and communication, making them a necessity in an era when hearts are far apart.

There is a close relationship between politics and sports, as political corruption can have a negative impact on sportsmanship. However, the importance of sports as a space to win hearts, beyond political divisions, is evident. The atmosphere of the Olympic Games, for example, fosters communication and competition between peoples, which helps to spread the spirit of love and peace.

Sports play a leading role in spreading the values ​​of tolerance and peace, especially in cities like Atbara. When athletes come together under the slogan of sports, politics is excluded, creating an ideal environment to celebrate humanity. The honor received by our colleague Amer Ali by sports leaders is further proof of the importance of this field in spreading the values ​​of tolerance.

The stars of the golden era of Atbara, known as the “Spiders”, still represent a source of inspiration for the new generations of the Nile, and they have left a great impact on the hearts of the fans, which contributes to strengthening the group's love of sports among young people, buddies and juniors, because their value is not limited only to performance on the field, but beyond that, to include building a future full of hope and optimism.

In the midst of war and challenges, national athletes and players continue to spread joy and love of sports among the masses. Thanks to all these athletes and players: Alaa El-Din Youssef, Nour El-Din Antar, Al-Taher Hammad, Omar Tanga and the rest of the stars, you carry a sublime message that restores the public spirit and contributes to improving the atmosphere of the general public in society, their efforts represent a model on how to use sports as a means to achieve peace. and joy.

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