A message to the Minister of Communications ✍️ Ahmed Mohamed Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a greeting, and I hope that after the world has become one piece due to the great practical development that has taken place, especially in the world of communications and the Internet, we will now follow live the events in all parts of the globe, that my message will reach the one to whom I wrote, the brother, Minister of Communications.

Sudan is perhaps one of the most developed countries because of the great interest and thrust that took place in this field during the era of the Salvation Government, and only those who are arrogant or have a dark eye deny this.

Today, despite the war conditions that have hit the country, the communications sector has worked hard to provide its services to citizens, which are the means between families to create community bonds in light of the separation of people due to war.

But every morning, or to be more precise, every period, users become extremely frustrated for reasons that can be summed up in the sharp increase in communication and internet rates that has occurred, because we know that increases are carried out within reasonable time constraints, even if we take the example of the number of increases that have occurred since January of the current year, 2024. Even now, September of the same year, we find it imaginary???

It is noted that despite the large increases that have occurred, there is no improvement in the service, but rather a deterioration. To what extent has the network been cut off? How many users have not been able to complete the conversation due to a bad line??? How many weaknesses and bad things are there on the Internet??? And other technical problems that have no solutions or answers…

We are now in war conditions. There are universities whose teaching has become (online). How can students and their families cope with the increases that have occurred and will certainly continue with the deterioration of networks (call and Internet). an honest and practical answer ??? Knowing that most transactions have become totally dependent on communication and the Internet, unlike the problem of students that I mentioned.

The other problem is that telecom companies pay the tax on behalf of the user by adding it to calls or internet. Here we need to pause and reconsider this law, which is in the interest of the companies and not the user.

There is a question we ask ourselves that needs to be answered in numbers. What are the contributions of telecommunications companies in Sudan to the battle for dignity???

The issue of the current increase in calls and Internet requires an urgent and rapid stop with the amendment of the law. It is not reasonable that the user alone bears the taxes of these companies.

In addition, a special law must be put in place that requires service improvement and fair accounting of damages in the event of failure of telecommunications companies to provide quality call and Internet services.

In conclusion, I hope that my message will find an attentive ear and a response in the treatment of this matter, my brother, the Federal Minister of Communications, and all those who are linked to this very important file for the citizen given the circumstances in which the country is passing.

We ask God to lift the cloud and make our homeland safer and more secure, God willing….

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