A mole on Gedaref's face – from the top of the stage – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The Zakat Office in Gedaref State is undoubtedly an institution as noble as its members. His efforts were redoubled and became evident to the eye and insight this year. Anyone who denies it is blind and must revise themselves.

After the release of a number of zakat collections in the various states, this institution completely arranged itself and (the shawl of its general secretary and those who accompanied him) despite the fact that it was heavy, but they devoted themselves to this purely national social activity. mission without retreat and without getting tired or bored. She even included in her budget an allowance for workers in zakat offices in the United States, and this, in my opinion, is a generous initiative on their part that deserves applause. and praise

The Zakat Diwan in Gedaref remained an open book, its pages visible to those who want to read wisely, to those who want to write, and to those who want to think. Any employee or worker among them, Jebel Ali, is good, organized. treatment. You will see them treating you like they know you or if you are part of their family.

The numbers speak here and there. 490 million pounds, or more, have been allocated for the benefit of 35 accommodation centers for 22,340 families. This was implemented in the form of in-kind and material wages for these families on a periodic basis. 39 billion pounds was allocated for transit for those who wanted to return to their region. It can be said that zakat Al-Gadarif has covered all accommodation centers in the state with organized service and support. to legal zakat disbursements Housing assistance is still ongoing and the amount (and calculation) increases every day!! Every day is considered a bounty, a blessing and a bright white reward, without prejudice or prejudice, because it is a duty that they know perfectly well.

Anyone who wants to know the scope of the work should go to the doorstep of Diwan Secretary Prof. Bashir Muhammad Omar. I liked about this man that he (memorizes the tablets perfectly)! Every day, he draws a “mermaid” with the backdrop of success. He speaks in the full language of numbers. He doesn't even forget the numbers to the right of the number, and he memorizes them well without any problem. piece of paper in front of him. This indicates that man is fully aware of what goes in and what goes out.

From my platform I look… where I see that the Zakat Office in Gedaref State has jumped and established itself in a halo of light that radiates distinguished social work and has been positioned in a unique focus of light for an achievement that is considered to be the undisputed first in this country in terms of clearly visible income, community and health services, support for the war effort and implementation of what God has order. Give this money to those who deserve it, welcomes its secretary general. ..and salutes those of his company who serve the servants of God day and night (Da Al-Asham and Wad Al-Muhariya fikum)! .

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