A New Birth for an Ancient People – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Professor Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud, in response to what was reported in the Shukah column of yesterday, August 13, 2024, under the title (Mtak, Fatak, Jaghm). to publish this response in the same space of general interest*

*Wahbi Al-Amin Muhammad*

*Kingdom of Saudi Arabia _ Tabarjal*

* Wars always generate a healthy generation in its negative aspects and its previous past, and we are going through a reformulation of ourselves after this war that oppressed this people. People must scrutinize, review, take life seriously and treat our illnesses, and it is necessary. either a clear vision and a new map of life. If the wounds are healed, will we return with this legacy of literary culture, which is not advanced and is not rewarded, so if we return to what I mentioned, by God. , it is one of the wishes, and the coming is erased from existence. Perhaps you will find my words strange.

I am 65 years old, so I have no part in what is left of the destruction of Sudan, but I believe that we must return to our country with a new vision that takes us out of the darkness of the past into the light of truth, out of the difficulty of living in the abundance of divine mercies, and this can only come by returning to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and revealing them in the reality of our lives, in accordance with what Almighty God said (And whoever turns away from My remembrance, his life will be difficult.) From there we come to His word (And if the inhabitants of the cities had believed and feared, We would have surely opened upon them the blessings of the heavens and the earth)*

*My brother asked for gold for his hair. This is not an approach, but rather an earthly approach that is cut off from God.

My brother, if we want to know what is wrong, we must return to ourselves and embrace the book of our Lord in search of a solution. Perhaps you will be shocked by my words and remain in the truth. The new construction must be unproductive. for those who have worn pants and disheveled hair because they have come out of the dream of the past in which there is no education to the reality of our past life, and I have said and say a lot that we need a new education in Sudan, it has become clear that the inheritance is not enough. A inheritance that does not raise people with integrity and values. It can be said that we have no money. We are a good people who have mercy and affection. and communication, but they have not employed until now the employment that takes us from darkness to light. We are in a terrible religious confusion between the heritage of Sufism and the validity of religion, and you can say that this is your assessment and your opinion. your assessment is incorrect, but I say that this is the reality of a living reality based on the humiliation of creation towards another than the Creator and the worship of humanity towards its neighbor. How many dead in Sudan have worshiped, how many idols in Sudan. The Sudan that they built, and how many poor people have been deceived by this approach, and I fear that this is a reality Under the influence of this, but I tell you, we need formatting to write a new Sudanese history with a different idea. and a new credibility.

Excuse me if the words are too long, but it is a point of view and I only want to reform as much as possible. Maybe I did not reveal much in my response to the message, but I am only addressing the facts. guidance and light are coming to a new Sudan*.

Half a fork

* Thank you very much, Professor Wahbi Al-Amin. You should know that any change happens quickly, except social change, which takes time and time. Therefore, if we want to change the conceptions of the Sudanese people after the war, this is it. requires a long journey that requires changing at least two generations, and this period requires between twenty and forty years at least*.

A quarter of a fork

*Professor Wehbe, I hope you will present to us your vision and program for the beginning of this change. This may be a first step in a global change for Sudanese society.*

(email protected)

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