A New Reality That War Will Create After Its End – The Last Treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

The tragedies, the pains, the stories and the many different stories that all Sudanese people have experienced as a result of this war that was imposed on them and that affected all families. Some of them were forced to leave their homes and flee to safe places in the United States. , and their property was stolen and looted. Some of them emigrated out of the country, some of them had their daughters and wives raped, and some families lost the metals in their liver or… He supports it and one of his members was killed. serious injuries to the body, some of which resulted in the loss of organs such as hands and legs. Countless tragedies have resulted from this war, which has affected all Sudanese families without exception.

Scenes that will remain in the memory for a long time and cannot be erased by time and will be recorded by history. They were engraved in the consciousness, seen by the eyes and affected by the body, weakened by the gravity of the situation. pains and became unbearable. Everyone began to fear the unknown and began to anticipate events with tension and anxiety, hoping for salvation and relief from the troubles and concerns of the mind.

A new reality that will have its consequences after the end of the war

Whether social or moral, this war has revealed the true positions of those who are on your side and those who hide behind masks. In times of distress, the true nature of people is revealed.

On the external front, some countries that we considered friends and with which we held strong and honorable positions that history still remembers in its archives have let us down and opposed the country, supporting this rebellion in an interest and a share that they would gain. After the destruction of the people, their annihilation and the control of the country, they were surprised by the firmness of the armed forces in the face of this international conspiracy that had become an imminent victory. The superpowers themselves that supported this rebellion did not believe in the success and firmness of Sudan in the face of this war, for which millions of dollars were spent. Some countries, when they felt the hour of victory and the annihilation of this militia approaching, took a quick measure. to leave the ship before it sinks, and this has been clearly demonstrated by their delegations, who have become shameless these days in the country to save face and indirectly apologize for what happened, but is glass repaired after being broken?

Some situations pass but leave an impact on our souls that time cannot erase.

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