A pile of shalwa on a plate!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The Geneva negotiations, which are calculated every day, will not take place! This moment is fast approaching if there is no “carpet” for it or “deposit” as the brokers call it. So far, there has been no official response to the participation of the Sudanese leaders in power, while the militias. expressed their entry, and this is expected because those who planned these negotiations are those who possess the decision to approve it, and everyone knows that

If the international mediators do not sit down with the Sudanese government beforehand, and I have already mentioned this, it will not engage in these negotiations, and it seems that there is a direction to follow for this. It could affect the date set, perhaps the date. venue, and perhaps the axes that were written before.

In any negotiation between two warring parties, the first condition set by the mediators is the cessation of hostilities between them. Perhaps history remembers this. When the peace agreement was reached between the Al-Bashir government and John Garang, this condition was always respected. I believe that inserting this condition into the Geneva Agreement will not succeed and will be difficult. The militias must adhere to it because their hearts are divided in terms of leadership and they have no control over their forces, which have now become groups under the control of a specific leadership that has no higher control. The reason is that their forces are composed of mercenaries, isolated groups and prisoners whom they have taken out of prisons and joined, and their combat doctrine is transparency. They are now making great efforts. In the fight against the corrupt and the corrupted, in the name of fighting against negative phenomena in the regions of Madani, Tamboul, and Rifa'a, it is therefore very difficult for the Geneva mediators to make a plate of (all bitterness of the liver). !!

The armed forces are completely different from the militia, like day and night shifts, if this condition appears on the surface, they will undoubtedly adhere to it, and they will command and control their forces, even if they are joint forces.

A good reader of those who provoked the storm in Geneva will note that there are some countries that support the militias and want to participate in the mediation. This is a reverse image and suspicion appears in these negotiations. Whoever wants to make peace must participate in it. a central region without bias towards a particular group. The good faith of the Sudanese is to carry it out as a neutral person and in a neutral zone, and this is the first step to its success.

From my platform, I look… where I see… If the carpet is not first spread out and the Sudanese leaders agree to cross it and facilitate the way to sit down first by accepting the conditions of the Sudanese government and taking guarantees, the Geneva negotiations will be like, as the Sudanese proverb says, (a pile of challo on a plate)!.

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