A question to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which does not await an answer!!! ✍️Dr Omar Kabo


The mini-status of the Zionist Emirates: Even if it took its decorations and beautified itself…

The supplication, the supplication and the supplication of the people of Sudan, there is no veil between them and God…

++ We declared yesterday, shortly after the UN Security Council session to consider Sudan's complaint against the Zionist state of the Emirates, that we would not rely on the politicized institutions of the United Nations as a tool of slavery, tyranny and colonialism. ..

++ Yesterday specifically, I wrote and published ten hours before the session the following: ((We do not rely much on the United Nations institutions to provide justice to our great people for all the brutal crimes and atrocities committed by the criminal militias supported by the Zionist state of the Emirates only, because these institutions are nothing but colonial weapons. They were created to enslave, humiliate, terrorize and intimidate Arab leaders and people and third world countries. who began to feel the need to move away from international supervision, colonialism, exploitation and humiliation))…

++ Here, the session met and then adjourned without raising the issue of Sudan ((the track)), which should have been discussed there as announced. It was not discussed nor discussed, for the money of evil had flooded the vile council, blinding its insight and blotting out its will, and its arrow was lost and its guide burned…

++But what the humble, base and vile state does not know is that God's will is victorious, it is delayed and does not neglect, even if people despair of God's victory, victory is theirs comes from where they do not expect it or know the vengeance of heaven, and what vengeance it is…

++ It is our destiny, indeed the destiny of this satanic state, to attack a people like the people of Sudan, who have manifestations in the remembrance of God and in the love of his Prophet, abundant virtues and among the righteous saints of God. there are virtues and honors. So what would harm him if he was attacked after he believed and fell on his knees and repented, ((I think people will say we are safe and they won't be tempted)) ???! !!

++ My opinion is most likely a belief equivalent to complete certainty that the news of the victory has appeared and seems bright and pleasant to the spectators. The good news here and there says that our armed forces, for the first time, are. change tactics from defense to attack, as happened yesterday and this morning in El Fasher, which forced the militias to leave three localities at once…

++ As we saw, the militia emerged from Al-Takina defeated and vowed never to return there again, while Al-Ubaidiyah in Berber seemed more enthusiastic about destroying the enemy and to teach him a lesson in perseverance, determination, tenacity and firmness. …

++ It is our belief in the people of Sudan, but our certainty in God that He will show us a sign that will heal the hearts of a people of faith who have been faithful to their covenant with God. An answered prayer, supplication, sincere repentance and confidence in its victory over the small Zionist state of the Emirates, which has tyrannized, arrogant, tyrannical, corrupted, killed, poured and taken the lives of the Sudanese people without any justification or sufficient justification . …

++ The supplications, supplications and supplications of the people of Sudan for her will not be in vain, for God will unleash upon her a lava of flame and an energy of torment, and none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him.. And for us in the forerunners of the nations there is an example and a warning:((For each of us took responsibility for his sin, for among them were those on whom We sent a reaper, and among them were those whom the cry has seized. And among them are those whom We have caused to swallow up the earth, and among them are those whom We have drowned. And God has not wronged them, but they have wronged themselves. .)

++ This was the result of injustice among the nations of those who were before us: ((And Aad and Thamud, and it was clear to you from their dwellings, and Satan pleased their deeds and turned them from the path .And they were discerning, and Qarin, and Pharaoh, and Haman, and Moses had come to them with clear proofs, but they were arrogant on earth and were never outdone)) 000

++ I know that our conversation will be subject to ridicule, ridicule and denigration from the agents of the small Zionist state of the Emirates. They may see it as a distant state, but we will soon see it as a torment. will destroy them all, to take revenge on a good and generous people who were good to them, honored them, taught them good manners and made them a state, but they responded to all this with treason , contempt, murder. , and rape…

++If we have any indication, it is the way the Foreign Office stood, confused, weak and helpless, in one of the greatest trials, watching all this injustice and aggression against its people, and taking no action to defend his people. loss of pride, dignity and prestige???!!!

A question that concerns every free patriot, except post-bailout foreign ministers!!!

Of course, we are not expecting a response from ((italics))…

Omar Capo

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