A remarkable graduation ceremony in view of the security issues.. A clear message to the traitors ✍️ Section of Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the Merciful

✍️ Deputy Pensioner of the Police Department, Mr. Abdul Wahab

The Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, members of the Sovereignty Council, commanders of the armed forces, police, security, constitutional officers, executives, officers, non-commissioned officers and military personnel of the regular army. The armed forces of the Jebeit military region attended the graduation ceremony for a group of officers of the armed forces from its various units after the graduates received military and legal training and the graduates presented an examination of their practical skills, demonstrating their competence, discipline and exceptional performance. , and their availability and willingness to fulfill their national duty.

This group of graduates will contribute, together with their colleagues in the armed forces, in all efficiency, to ensuring the protection of the homeland and defending the integrity and protection of its capabilities.

Since traitors, hypocrites and agents do not like these beautiful deeds and the strengthening of the armed forces with faces and hot blood, they wanted to disrupt the celebration by sending two suicide drones to the place of the celebration. Thank God, antibiotics were used. destroyed their effect, but agents and workers do not learn, do not stop these cowardly acts, despite the fact that their end is always humiliation, humiliation and murder on the part of our valiant armed forces.

Despite this conspiracy that God has divided, the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council addressed the graduating class with the firm determination to resolve any security gap in order to ensure the safety and security of citizens, while sending a strong message to traitors and those with a special agenda that martyrdom for the sake of God is not a bad fate, but rather a wonderful death and an eternity in the gardens of happiness, and that the conspiracy is against me. The country, in the name of narrow personal interests, will be your shame and regret on the Day of Resurrection.

We say, O agents, that homelands are priceless and money tainted by betrayal of the homeland will not elevate your humble status, because betrayal of the homeland is a serious crime that can never be forgiven. Whoever is dishonored by his homeland, his honor and honor are dishonorable to him.

Let us salute our armed forces, police, security and personnel mobilized on all fronts as they perform their national duty with bravery and courage. We ask God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded and the return of the missing, as well as shame and dishonor for the traitors to the homeland.

Nasr of God and upcoming opening

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