A single palm will not win glory.. We get glory if two palms are joined.. With the collective conscience of the military, Sudan wins – The Witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

The greatest value produced by the Battle of Karama is a lesson titled the collective consciousness of the soldiers when they were united by love of the homeland and defense of its land, honor and wealth. It has become clear how and when the Sudanese people will love Mustafa Tamur, Kikel and Aqar, love Manawi and line up behind Khalil Karmouz, who united behind the armed forces to defend Sudan and its territory. This is a strong signal. This showed where the conscience of the Sudanese people is and who they are with. Who among us does not like joint action because it defends Sudan, who did not admire Kikel when he faced difficulties in the midst of the Janjaweed, and Who among us does not understood Aqar while he was a representative? As proof, who among us did not know Khalil's mind as to what would defeat the enemy and nullify pockets of conspiracy. Yes, all military entities that are outside the scope of the armed forces have gotten what they deserve from the conscience of their forces? this people when they became part of the Sudanese Armed Forces, which brought together all the colors of the Sudanese spectrum. Under the banner of defending Sudan and its land… what happened in terms of aligning the army in general with. the purpose of pride and dignity of this people produced their value and sent its message to all politicians who want to govern that there is no middle rule. This great people, unless united by a collective national consciousness, whose concern is to manage this country in such a way as to serve its people and to realize the ambitions of its citizens according to the vision and the positive illusion that the military when they united behind the supreme interests of Sudan and defended them with their blood and souls. Therefore, the slogan was and will remain one people, one army.

The eloquent lesson that the military has presented through this battle for dignity is practically enough for all politicians and all their parties to learn and realize that the conscience of the Sudanese people is difficult for those who want to govern alone unjustly, and this at in turn, according to Omri, it is one of the most important reasons that have produced the instability of this country despite what it enjoys… The battle for dignity, just as it united the armies and produced lessons, must awaken souls. And we must reflect and correct the course of political action based on what produces politicians who have a place in the hearts and conscience of the Sudanese people…

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