A speech by the leader: firmness and sacrifice for Sudan There is no place for the enemy in the homeland ✍️ Mr. Abdel Wahab's oath.

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy for Police Pensions, Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the Omdurman military region, His Excellency the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces addressed his officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers. His Excellency's speech was sincere, in which he greeted these forces. , all those who carried weapons from the armed forces, police forces, security forces and mobilized, as well as those who carried weapons and fought for Sudan, wishing a speedy recovery to the wounded, mercy to the martyrs and the return of the martyrs. missing, emphasizing the continuation of the battle until victory. He affirmed in his speech that he sees victory as he sees it in front of him, pledging not to negotiate with a new enemy, nor with an enemy who attacks citizens, occupies their homes and occupies their homes. steals their property and money, nor with a person who supports the enemy, and that he commits himself to what he said in the announcement from the pulpit of Jeddah on May 11 last year (new point of line).

He stressed that it is the duty of the leadership to equip the fighters with the equipment and aids they need to fight, and that we have great trust in God, our people and our soldiers, stressing that losing a battle does not mean losing the war, and if equipment is lost, we must mobilize all capabilities to provide it, and if people are lost, the Sudanese are there.

advising them not to listen to the rumors spread by this misguided group and not to listen to this noise and tumult, and that the armed forces and other joint forces are in the hands of our forces, urging them that the battle should continue and victory obtained because the citizens were patient and moved until this militia was crushed. The earth is one and the same, and they will soon disappear, God willing.

Appreciating the determination of the Sudanese people wherever they are, as they pay the price of this brutal attack on themselves, their homes and their property, as well as their position alongside their armed forces and the forces participating in the War of Dignity, thanking them for their patience in this affliction, and that the majority of them are in their armed forces, except for a few of them who are considered part of this misguided group.

He also praised the steadfastness of the citizens of El Fasher, the armed forces, the joint forces in Babanusa and Sennar and all axes, and stressed his firm desire for peace, but this would not constitute the implementation of the agreed terms. Once again, he should not be drawn into these negotiations while the enemy occupies the homes of citizens and institutions, and they must leave so that the peace and negotiation process can succeed.

He sent a strong message to the parties who want peace, saying that if they were concerned about the security and safety of citizens, they should direct their message to the aggressor militias to leave the homes of citizens if they wanted to negotiate.

He will not be complacent and will not belittle the security of the nation and its citizens, stressing the readiness of the armed forces, the police, the security forces and the mobilized personnel to crush these rebels, even though these forces will not give up. The citizens have high expectations of them, and their expectations will not be disappointed, God willing.

Victory to our armed forces, police, security and mobilized as they strive to cleanse the country of the filth of this oppressive militia. Forgiveness and mercy for the martyrs, healing of the wounded and return of the missing.

God's victory and conquest are near

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