A Step Towards a Solution – A Whale's Spine – Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*What is constant in the political world is that there is no permanent hostility or permanent friendship, but there are common interests. I was not very surprised by the phone call that took place between the President of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah Al. -Burhan and Mohammed bin Zayed. It is certain that a lot of water has flowed under the bridge between Port Sudan and Abu Dhabi before this conversation. If the water returns to its normal course between the two countries, it will become undrinkable. , at least during the period of intense armed conflict in Sudan, after information confirmed that the United Arab Emirates was the one supporting the militias before and during the war. It can be said that the phone call is a shortcut to a long path of attempts. and if it is a direct dialogue, let it start with the Emirates, because the Emirates are the ones who hold the remote control that moves the rapid support militia, and in their other hand are the keys to the coffers of Al Zayed, who supports the militias and turns against some neighboring countries*.

*It is necessarily known that all wars in the world, including the two world wars, were not decided by firearms but by negotiation, knowing that the victorious side on the battlefield imposes its conditions and insists on the implementation of them, at a time when the war had a direct impact on the lives of citizens who had become mere numbers among refugees, displaced persons and displaced persons in general. It can be said that the journey begins with a step and negotiations to achieve it. Ending the armed conflict in Sudan began with a call between Port Sudan and Abu Dhabi, without going into details*.

*Ending the war in Sudan has become a necessity and an absolute imposition, and this war must be a sermon and a lesson for all sectors of the Sudanese people, especially the political parties and those who have agendas, taking into account what is happening. In Sudan, there is a political conflict with military tools whose price was paid by the majority components of the Sudanese people and whose price was paid by the military establishment and the rapid support while the leaders of the political parties, without exception, turned their backs on them. and they were represented by the tears of Mary. They were not afflicted by the wounds and pains that afflicted the Sudanese people, and they are still trading in the suffering of the Sudanese people without permission*.

*The direct phone call between Al-Burhan and Bin Zayed will put an end to the empty and hollow claim of their success in mediating between Al-Burhan and Bin Zayed. It is better that direct negotiations take place with the sponsor who pays all the expenses. Thus, Al-Burhan will have shortened the path and closed the door to employment and livelihoods, and the challenge remains: to continue on the path to ending the war in Sudan, whatever the cost and whatever the circumstances. They want peace and the citizens want to return home. The exodus, refuge and homelessness have exhausted them. The Sudanese people want to enjoy stability and peace*.

Half a fork

*The UAE has interests in Sudan. If they are realized today, the war will end tomorrow. The Emirates have their eyes on the port of Abu Amama, their eyes on the lands of Fashqa, their eyes on the Al-Jazeera project. Their eyes are on the gold ore of Sudan, and their eyes are on the Nile. The Emirates contributed to the construction of the Renaissance Dam to invest in Sudanese lands*.

A quarter of a fork

*Proof: Do you have the courage to continue the journey, or do you continue to wait and repeat (I am the guardian of the telephone? I will call you on the phone if the bell rings once)*.

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