A stone that sheds tears of brokenness…. The flight ban will not save the bastards..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

And the cries for the end of the rebellion carry Al-Tahir Hajar, and Osama Saeed and those like them of the “shameless dwarfism” join in the humiliating call for the banning of flights. It is not out of pity on their part for the civilians that they have. but rather it is “consternation and Pashtna” because they see that their “lost bet” on the rebel militia has remained a dead letter, and that (the dream) of taking power over (the corpses and blood) of innocents no longer knocks. the doors of their (miserable dreams)… They have found no other comfort for their disappointment than to denounce this (abstinence), in their belief that the ban on flights could prevent the pursuit (of annihilating the rebellion) of this objective. the people and the army of Sudan (agreed) and preparations have been made for it, and it will come to an end with all (determination and determination)… So, oh unfortunate ones, how do you know that planes are bombing civilians..?!! Do you not know, or do you neglect to know, that these groups are militias, their agents and looters…?!! So who is this civilian (acquitted) of the filth of the rebellion who can set foot in these (filthy places)..?!! Do you not have eyes to see those who carry weapons and wear camouflage?!! Do you not hear (their threats) against the leadership of the state and their attacks on the people…?!! Go fuck yourself and your apostate call against you..!!*

*A stone and a whole bunch of paid agents, (their eyes) were blinded, their ears (silenced), and their pride and conscience (died), they became scandalous, weeping and scattering (ashes) on their dark faces out of pity and sorrow for the scoundrels of rebellion (incubators) of crime and (the decay of actions, and (Addiction to savagery, and let us not shake their ruined consciences (the assets) of these (fallen) criminals for killing, raping and taking the lives of (innocent childhood) and shedding the blood of innocent men and women while they were safe in their village homes, nor (burying) the living nor… nor… what (wickedness) and poverty of manhood. (breakdown) in patriotism and (bankruptcy) in the human feeling that carries you, people, eclipse (fear) the disappearance of these bastards and you hope for their (cursed) life, and you ask for the prohibition of stealing, in the sinful and paralyzed belief on your side that stealing alone (will reap) these criminals.?!!

*We repeat that this is a battle of the people and the army, and there will be no retreat until the completion of the “eradication” of these bastards who killed thousands of innocent people with hatred born of “wickedness and baseness.” roots and souls, and neither flight nor arms embargo will save them from this (black fate), so the determination of the people and the army and the duty (Revenge) towards the betrayed victims are more severe (lit.) than all the material tools of war, so dream, O Peter, and whoever is with you. God does not guide the plots of traitors, and (His punishment) will fall on the oppressors (corruptors) in this world and in the hereafter if you see. so far, it is soon seen..!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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