A white sea… the intersections and the tilting pendant – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

What is happening at the local Tandelti market???

The intersection of interests shapes the scene there…

This raised some questions in space

Who is leading the battle there…

He who pushes his strength to gain his advantage…

In a world full of human wolves attacking with force…

And the line of journalism will only deviate from it…

To confirm the truth, motives and motivation…

Two opposing camps are not represented before him…

The sender of the hadith lies, fabricates and misleads

Or maybe he's cheating, so he's more melodious…

It's a piece of fire if he hits her with that

The sound of the melody…

Transferable data is the weakest way to create

Doctrine, idea and proof…

This is refuted by another piece of evidence that causes the pimples to appear…

Is our job to ask questions and turn a blind eye?

Does the answer matter to us or not?

Or is it important to seek answers…

With great humility we must seek the answer…

Let the eye (of darkness) shine with light…

The real answer without makeup…

The truth lies in the intersection of interests…

Judicial decision rendered in 2022…

Like the end of an affair and the most striking aspects of the truth…

It didn't satisfy some people. Judgments are like this…

Administrative appeal No. I/A/13/2022/Appellant

There is a committee of traders from the Tandelti market and others…

The caller is the governor of the state and local government…

They appealed the governor's decision to raise the stands.

At the Tandelti market…

After exchanging memorandums between the two parties to the conflict

The court decided to reject the appeal…

What does it mean that the governor's decision to increase…

And not violate the law in its many aspects

Because it doesn't affect legal centers…

A conflict of interest does not justify cancellation…

The matter concerned stands allocated to me


The distance between stands is eight meters.

The required sanctuary is three meters…

United States Central Circuit Court Ruling

With the number 2022/24, it reinforces the above.

It has become a final decision which can no longer be appealed…

The deal was completely valid…

What is the most significant story of the intersection of interests and influences…

Among the citizens who received stands and others

The traders refused to do so…

As the final summary of the truth we read

From its context…

Determine rights and duties and sort entities…

What is happening in the Tandelti market is different

There is something between the woods and the woods…

He redrew the image of interests and monopoly…

A horrible picture of the horror of greed and avarice…

The final decision expressed the pure truth…

He asked questions, answered them and explained them eloquently.

We have no right to criticize him in any way, otherwise we will despise him…

Contempt is a crime that carries a conviction…

Because it represents a precedent on the basis of which decisions are made…

Because he listened to both sides of the conflict in the ring…

Refute the evidence, evaluate the document, ask questions

And he answered him…

So this is the essence of the truth with total professionalism…

Judge the validity of the administrative decision granting scholarships and promotions

To match the text…

It is not possible for any citizen to know whether this decision is…

Complies with law and regulations…

Our judiciary responded and wrote the end of history…

As for the jockey, he was told it was his gang, Sanfarim

We put it on the fire until it is level…

The truth about these people is another story…

In the locality of Tandalti Kandul (Rika Shankul)…

The rest of the story

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