A woman with the chivalry of the people of Gedaref – from the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

She is one of the women of my country that Gedaref State is proud of. She is considered the icon of the executive work of the Gedaref State government. In every tonic I bring to the state government, you will find her the first person present. She has earned the trust of many governors because her performance makes every governor respect her and give her value. I did not feel the language of condescension and arrogance on her face, despite everything there is only peace and respect between us.

A trusted person told me that Professor Najat Ahmed Muhammad, Director General of the Ministry of Finance, this is of course her official job, but she should be called a minister because she deserves it. He told me that she was present among his guests. who came to the state of Sinnar fleeing the ravages of this brutal war that wiped out most of the green spaces of the country and dried up by the war that was imposed on us, who came from Sennar to the people's market, Naja bandaged their wounds and healed their hearts in them. , so they were hungry. They found safety, welcome, compassion and compassion for the children who had no guilt, who were innocent and had no expression other than crying and screaming. I introduced them to the daughter of Gedaref, a descendant of men. I know well who They massacred the tax collectors and they were deposed. They provided food, shelter, water barrels, catering and other services.

What the representative of the government of the state of Gedaref, the granddaughter of Al-Nashami, did indicates that the women of my country are still well and that the women of Gedaref have advanced in the ranks and in history, their work on a brilliant page of Juman, and indicates that the body is one, and if one organ complains, the rest of the body responds with sleepless nights and fever. This is how the representative of the state government stayed in the popular market. until late at night, you receive, appoint and make temporary decisions for the benefit of the mourners, who really knew that Gedaref deserved to be called (Gadaref Al-Khair).

From my platform, I look… where I see… that the government of the state of Gedaref, with its honorable, zealous and commanding leader, known by the horses, nights, swords and spears of the armed forces (and Dalchuk), has made remarkable efforts to accommodate and honor those who were previously displaced from Al-Hazira, and now you are doing the same to the people of Sennar. You… O woman as great as the thousands of men who raised you and who raised you. taught you to honor a guest in your small house, I say: You left your small house for your big house with generosity and generosity, which is the homeland, and you did not fail… I salute you, respect, and great peace.

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