A world of bad guys – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

An accusation prepared in the Security Council files

The crime of killing civilians…

The main accused is the Military Council…

In 2019, Russia and China rejected the accusation

To the Security Council…

The recipe was prepared by America and the West to condemn…

With a view to new sanctions to bring us to our knees…

By displaying a trading card that is raised every time…

The goal is to blackmail the council and pass the agenda…

The civilian forces waited with bated breath

The UAE has pushed in this direction under its pretexts…

The representative of Russia to the Council declared…

An unbalanced draft resolution spoils the situation

This makes it worse…

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister then confirmed…

Their refusal to interfere in our internal affairs…

The junta has not taken up the challenge of making amends

The image aligns behind this conviction…

To the rapprochement with Russia for its support for our line…

She held out her hand to us amidst the crashing waves

We search the sea for another savior…

We urge our steps towards the West to obtain satisfaction


They even refuse to listen to our calls…

They won't be happy with us even if we follow their religion, so that's the plan

It must be implemented in its entirety without modification…

Russia has geopolitical ambition in Africa…

She has a strong desire to build a military base

On the Sudanese coast facing the sea

Red to enter the Bab al-Mandab Strait…

In 2021, equipment was launched to build it…

This step was not possible for known reasons…

It was a reason to ask a thousand questions…

She didn't upset us, oppose us or blackmail us…

I left the rope on the boat…

You did not fail to support us on international platforms…

This contributed to Volcker's expulsion from Sudan…

Visit of Deputy Foreign Minister Bogdanov

For the country in recent days…

His statement that the representative sovereign council

The head of the country…

He rejected Western control over the destiny of peoples.

Including Sudan…

We read it in several ways, against each

A Western declaration that is hostile to us…

By opposing us and continuing to insult us…

He blackmailed us and put us in the jaws of pincers…

By exercising dictation, by exerting pressure to implement

Hateful agendas…

By supporting the rebellion and moving towards the tearing of the country…

Everything that comes from the West constitutes a conspiracy…

Every action the council takes against us is adopted by…

It is necessary to develop the partnership with Russia in the same way

This is happening in West Africa…

Remove the confusion and ambiguity surrounding this

relationship immediately…

And loosen the reins to create a partnership that benefits him

Both parties are in the interest of their people…

Russia wants to achieve a clear vision

Establish a mutually beneficial partnership…

This includes beneficial military cooperation.

It supports our military capabilities and adds

A deterrent force in a forest that only the strong know…

What the Arab countries are doing, we thought they were brothers

He makes his forehead…

His concern is to weaken us, to steal our wealth instead of returning it

A debt owed and a hand advanced…

He prepares his plots through the brutal militia

To weaken our abilities and intimidate us…

Support them with what is necessary to defeat us and break our power…

He hides behind a curtain and the West supports him with the worst

The dirtiest plot in history…

No matter what we do, the oppressive group will never be satisfied…

The creation of Al-Qaeda has a deterrent effect on criminals of all kinds.

Thanks to it, the army develops and increases its resilience

By concluding qualitative arms and training agreements…

So the monkeys stick to their limits, it's time for the strong…

Don't dream that the West will be satisfied with you, it won't be satisfied…

They won't be satisfied no matter what you give them, they are insatiable.

They safeguard your heritage for their future generations…

You are just my puppets who move whenever they want…

They always say: “Are there any others, gentlemen?”

Opportunities don't wait, and he who wastes them loses…

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