Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid – The Last Point on Slavery (1) – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Professor Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid is a brother, a friend, a colleague and a keeper of secrets. I am honored to have followed his training in Rai Al Shaab newspaper in its first edition, whose editor-in-chief was the late Yass Omar Al-. Imam and his editor-in-chief Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid We also have a station in Alwan newspaper, which saw the birth of the column (The Whale's Thorn) in 1999. Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid is one of the few who do so. have been able to milk the unique portion of the breast of suffering between turbidity and blood to present it to people as an accessible, pure and purifying media material, and Majidi has a special place with me. Whenever circumstances bring us together, we move. away from the public and engage in conversations about private and family matters. What a wonderful moment in which Abdel Majed appears when he begins to sociability and tell beautiful stories, it is a source of anecdotes, wisdom and wisdom in the light of the decline. the paper press, Abdul Majed's Facebook page has become a third lung through which his followers and fans of his writings breathe. Thus, Majidi combined the goodness of the paper and electronic press*.

*Yesterday, Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid wrote on his page about Major General Abdul Rahman Al-Sadiq Al-Siddiq Abdul Rahman, and what Abdul Majid wrote about Abdul Rahman on his page remains the property of everyone as long as it is available on social media. Abdul Majid described General Abdul Rahman as the prince, son of the beloved, and informed Abdul Majid that what is called the Mahdist revolution is a corrective movement that coincided with its time. Three figures claimed to be the Mahdi at that time: Ahmed Orabi in Egypt, Omar Al-Mukhtar in Libya, and Muhammad Ahmed Al-Fahl in Sudan exploited the ignorance of the components of Sudanese society and gave birth to the idea of ​​the expected Mahdi. a Mahdi nor an expected one, but he could be a reformer or a revolutionary, in addition to being a skilled boat builder. The expected Mahdi has signs and a known time that has been specified in many recurring hadiths. a reformer, and his descendants have no right to imitate his history. History does not judge and does not give the ancestors the right to rule and control the fate of others with myths and absurdities that do not grow fat and are not enough of hunger*.

*You must know, dear Abdul Majid, that Abdul Rahman Al-Sadiq Al-Siddiq Abdul Rahman is an officer in the armed forces with the rank of major general, but he is not the prince of anyone, and you must wonder where are the grandchildren of George Washington, the first to rule America, and where are the grandchildren of Orabi and Omar Al-Mukhtar. Did they form political parties and practice political promiscuity? Are their ancestors a means of earning money at a low price? to obtain a generous life through work, intelligence and mercenary work. The era of depredation is over and the Fahal family cannot continue to follow the same path that their ancestors followed and which turned the Ansar armies into a herd of forced labor and slavery, and history does not repeat itself*.

*Dear Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid, Al Jazeera Aba still bears witness to the contempt that has been practiced towards our ancestors in the modern history of Sudan, and you must review what I wrote two years ago under the title “The unsaid in the history of Mahdia.”, available on Google and on my Facebook page. There is no difference between Kunta Kinte, the hero of the narrator of Roots by author Alex Haley, your grandfather and my grandfather on the island are fathers, except in the different places. with the same treatment of slavery. And you know, Abdul Majid, that the stories and tales of work in the circle of the Mahdi on the island are still a bitter pill in the throat of the sons of the Ansar, and some of the second generation are. still alive, recounting these tragedies and events. The painful experience that the Ansar and the sons of the Ansar went through in Aba Island, in the Qandal Forest and in Al-Suki*.

Half a fork

*Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid, know that a broken clock is correct twice in one day, and you should not repeat the same slavery in a new form under the name of the prince and the guard of Sudan after the war. Sudan after the war, and you must restore the view twice and separate the public from the private in your relations. You forget that my grandfather and your grandfather are the victims of what is called the Circle of Imam Mahdi in Al-Jazeera Aba*.

A quarter of a fork

*There is no status for the son of an Imam or the son of our Mawlana. We must be equal in rights and duties, and a person derives his value from what he offers to his country, and there will be no new version of slavery. .*

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