Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid – The Last Point on Slavery (3) – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The honorable reader has the right to know that Dr. Al-Tayeb Ahmed Haroun, the author of the book (Al-Jazeera, Abu Whispers of History), is the one who recruited the son of the Ansar, Professor Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid. , for the Islamic movement. He also recruited thousands of sons of the Ansar in Al-Jazeera, Abu. Let the reader know that Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid made an effective and significant contribution to the collection and revision of the book (Al-Jazeera Aba Hams). Al-Tarikh)*

*(Al Jazeera Aba: Whispers of History) A book written by Dr. Al-Tayeb Ahmed Haroun. This book from Sudan Open University Press 2014 includes (309) pages discussed it, emphasizing that this book is. worth reading and an effort that must be praised many times, not just once. The value of the book and its uniqueness in the enormous amount of information that the writer collected for (16) years from the mouths of Ansar, his contemporaries and participants. that the story concerns (200) people and their personal archives. It follows that the researcher was a teacher in the secondary schools of Al-Jazeera Aba and found the documents of the department or what was left of it at Saraya Abd al-Rahman. -Fahal (Abdul-Rahman Al-Mahdi), which was partly the headquarters of the Al-Mahdi department, then supplemented all this with printed references, university theses and the National Archives. This is a book that finds its value in matching what is narrated orally with what is present in the documents, and then arriving at the facts. He preceded him in this approach perhaps only in his two books on Shikan and repeated the book with the sweetness of an interesting narrator, and this is part of the history of what history has neglected, and that is why the writer called it (The Whisper of History) because it narrates part of what is silenced in the history of Al-Ansar and Al-Jazeera, Abu and Al-Sayyid Abd al-Rahman (the Mahdi), the writer, Dr. Al-Tayeb Haroun He is one of the committed sons of the Ansar, as he says (I am one of the sons of the Ansar who have a kind). of respect for their Imam which resembles reverence), but as he says as a historian (When history began to speak, I decided to keep quiet, and the feelings of sanctification and infallibility began to fade) Page (9). The author's opinion contains published historical facts. For the first time, there is information that surprised even the inhabitants of the island themselves, because it was not available for circulation, but its circulation threatened the lives of those who used it, p. (5)*

*In the first part of this presentation, the author mentioned the biography and journey of Mr. Abdul Rahman (Al-Mahdi) since his arrival in Al-Jazira Aba around 1908. He was then poor and destitute, traveling on the back of a donkey and accompanied by his lieutenant Abdullah Al-Zaki, p. (71), until he became a first-rate businessman and by the middle of the year he was one of the richest personalities in Sudan, if not the richest at all, by building his giant financial edifice (the Al-Mahdi Circle) Al-Sayyid was a true businessman who saw opportunities for investment and expansion and seized them to develop his capital. his father (Imam Muhammad Ahmad Al-Mahdi), who said There is a man from Daghim, “Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad is this, oh prophet, oh he is the soul of a prophet, I gave him a cow that bears, and at that time. he gave it to someone else.” The man whose livelihood was the cow, his wife gave birth to a child, and he came to Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad and told him that he did not need it. The sheikh said to him, “Take the cow.” This was before the recipient of the gift blessed the council, p.

*In 1908, the government allowed (Sayyid) Abd al-Rahman to move elsewhere than Omdurman (he had been forbidden to do so before), and Sultan Pasha (the intelligence officer) wrote to the director of Al-Duwaym District to give the Sayyed some land to cultivate, so that some land on the island was registered as his property, on condition that he would get it back in Five years ago, at the beginning of the reclamation and cultivation of the land, the tribes who were The author believes that Mr. Abdul Rahman was faced with two problems: the need to rebuild the land until it was registered for him, and he was poor and destitute. and unable to clear and rebuild the land within the required time, and the second was that he was alone on the island. He was facing groups of locals disputing his ownership of the land, so he contacted the Ansar, inviting them to migrate to him on the island, to help him recover the land and to support him against his opponents, the objective was purely political and economic, p. Al-Dawaya) in which they claimed the Ansar and told them that Wad (Al-Mahdi) was present on the island of Aba and that he invited them to visit him. Representatives continued to be sent from 1908 to 1920, and a large number. of them came from fifty tribes of Darfur and Kordofan because they expected the master to declare war on the English so that they would fight with him, seeking victory or martyrdom for one of the Hasanis. The master later said, he confirmed that the work. The force that achieved all this agricultural expansion was the hand of devotees who migrated from various tribes and regions, especially from the West, to be with Ibn al-Mahdi, and their intention was to migrate and wage jihad for the sake of God, similar to what their fathers did (Imam al-Mahdi)*

*And let them hear a word from me in which I have announced the revolution against foreign domination, directing their strong guerrilla spirit towards urbanization (Siddiq Abd al-Rahman Azraq) Agricultural Production Relations in the Mahdi District Projects, Journal of Strategic Studies, Issue 5, January 1996, p. (61). Upon the arrival of the Ansar in Aba, al-Sayyid strengthened his relationship with them by pledging allegiance (We have pledged allegiance to God, His Messenger and (his Mahdi), and we have pledged allegiance. We will pledge allegiance to you so that we will not associate anything with God and will not disobey you in any good. We have sworn to you to fear God, to listen and obey what pleases God and His Messenger, and to recite the wage or what is available, p. 83), and he followed it with supplication (I believe in God as our Lord, in Islam as our religion and in our master Muhammad.) A prophet and a messenger, and (Imam Mahdi) a guide and expert, and with the truthful and trustworthy Imam (i.e. Mr. Abd al-Rahman), our path to God Almighty was then expanded to include the two Imams, the truthful and the guide, as a means of accessing God Almighty. )*.

Half a fork

* Dr. Al-Tayeb believes that the Ansar's oath of allegiance to the master was priceless, as they pledged to him to obey him and not to disobey, and in return he did not pledge that they would accomplish anything, meaning that he had the authority to lead them in whatever he wanted from them, and they did not have the condition of returning to him, as there is no condition of exit (as the oath of allegiance is only canceled by death) and his entire leadership) focused on them in the future to achieve his economic and political projects, e.g.

A quarter of a fork

*History does not repeat itself, but it is a station at which we must stop to protect the present from the crises of the past and build a healthy nation whose slogan is that the boy is the one who says: “Here I am”, and not the one who says: “That was my father”.

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