Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid.. the latest update on slavery (8) – A whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*My teacher and friend Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid, we disagree that we are leading public opinion and working to shape it consciously and not out of ignorance. Over the past week, I have been discussing a series of episodes that talked about Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal. Is he the expected Mahdi or not? I have confirmed and deduced that Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal is not the expected Mahdi, and we find that Muhammad Ahmad himself did not say that he was the expected Mahdi, but there is evidence that indicates this. his acceptance of this title, including his taking the Jazira Cave as his homeland by resembling a hot cave and the migration from Jazira Aba to Kordofan (Shekan) as a resemblance to the migration of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Makkah to Madinah, then dividing his followers into emigrants and supporters, and the fall of Khartoum was compared to the conquest of Makkah, which gave the descendants of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahl a social, political and economic advantage. , and even today, his grandchildren lead the ranks, relying only on the history of their ancestors*.

*As for Prince Abdul-Rahman Al-Sadiq Al-Siddiq Abdul-Rahman, whom you met in recent days, Professor Abdul Majid, he is an officer in the armed forces with the rank of major general, but he led a rebellion against the Salvation Government and was the commander of the national army. He led the bombing of the oil pipeline in eastern Sudan in the 90s of the last century, and he played the same role that Hemedti plays today in the rebellion against the state. has only one face, then he was reinstated in the armed forces and appointed as an assistant to the former President of the Republic, Omar Al-Bashir, if he had not been the son of Al-Sadiq Al-Siddiq Abdul Rahman Muhammad Ahmad Al. -Fahl, known as (Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi), he would not have been returned to the army, much less his appointment as assistant to the president, and his brother was also dismissed. Good news for having worked as an officer. the Security and Intelligence Service and working until today. These are just jobs. We cannot and cannot freeze our minds in time frozen in the position of our ancestors who were exploited in the ugliest and worst ways in the name of the so-called Mahdist revolution. . There are many, many things that we have not disclosed, Mr. Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid*.

*I have revised some of what was said in the book (Al-Jazeera, Aba Whispers of History), but what we do as supporters and sons of supporters can change many concepts and facts about the opportunism of the descendants of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal. (the so-called Mahdi). I have a large amount of documents, papers and correspondence between the president and the leaders of the Umma Party and the security apparatus, knowing that the document becomes a document after thirty years, and what we have. of documents and documents proving the employment and betrayal of the descendants of Muhammad Ahmed Al-Fahal among themselves and towards the Sudanese people, and even photos of the checks received after the signing of the agreements with the Salvation Regime and the Jaafar Regime Muhammad Numeiri, after the events of Wad Nubawi, is a father and is now writing a book that confirms what I have said*.

*And not to go too far, Professor Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid, we have seen with our own eyes the refusal of the descendants of Muhammad Ahmed Al-Fahal to bury the dead leaders of the Umma Party, such as Farouk Ismail, Al-Jaqumi and Abdul-Nabi Ali Ahmed. They refused to bury them in the Dome of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal in Omdurman. The reason is that their roots go back to Darfur and they must be buried next to their beloved, Maqboula. the granddaughter of Sultan Ali Dinar, wife of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal, whose roots go back to Darfur. They allowed the burial of Omar Nour Al-Daim and Sherif Al-Tohamy in the Dome of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahal. Are there discriminations, divisions and differences among the leaders of the Umma Party? And if Fadl Barma Nasser, the current leader of the Umma Party, had died, given the conditions of his burial in Omdurman, the descendants of Al-Fahl would not allow him to be buried in the dome next to the elite of the dead.

Half a fork

*Professor Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid, we are leading a revolution to change concepts and we are working to reformulate the unity of the Sudanese people. We must face the facts and our tongues must be silent when history speaks. in the life of what he offers to his country and not to rely on the history of his ancestors, even if it is false.*

A quarter of a fork

*I will stop here as the Kanana is full of facts and documents and I await a response from Mr. Abdel Majid Abdel Hamid*.

(email protected)

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