About the difficult waiting time… the proof is in China 😭 Rashan O'Shea

Our reality now expresses the militia project that has destroyed the past, is destroying the present and is fragmenting the future into conflicting structures that offer future generations a promise of backwardness, violence and tyranny.

Amidst this rubble and this gloomy picture, the political spirit that directs the State has begun to take measures that are belated but expected since the beginning of the war. The State's tendency to ally itself with the East means that the project of a stable State is in force; the future is beginning to take shape.

The visit of the President of the Sovereignty Council “Al-Burhan” to China, accompanied by a large ministerial delegation, to discuss many economic and military issues, constitutes the most important step on the path of the Eastern Sudanese alliance, as it was preceded by government steps that began with the visit of his deputy, “Aqar”, last year, and military and civil committees that met with Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Iranian leaders, in order to clarify the characteristics of Sudanese foreign relations based on interests.

Under Bashir's regime, when the state and the project were clear, whatever our differences with him, the technology of the allies and the enormous resources of Sudan created a promising Sudanese economic powerhouse.

The allied “China” explored oil, until the “Nile Mixture” appeared on the screens of the world stock exchange and the value of the dollar reached two and a half pounds, and thus there was a boom in the level of infrastructure. , as bridges, national roads and an urban renaissance were built in the center of the capital, Sudan was strong. Able to resist the Western colonial project and its local weapons, millions of people came to Sudan to work, dream, struggle and become rich. .

But after the fall of the Al-Bashir regime and the dissolution of the alliance with the Eastern group in favor of the Western alliance, the Sudanese found themselves between refugees and displaced persons, all preferring death rather than remaining in misery. of their country, not their homeland, because this expression has completely lost its meaning, it is a product of the regime's policy, an ally of the West, because the country that does not do so can live there and prefers any exile. behind a sea, an ocean or a mountain range. It is not a homeland.

Five lean years, the masterpieces of the political alliance supported by the West, under the cover of the revolution, to justify all these failures, corruptions and betrayals, until the militias supported by the West, through its agents in the Arabian Gulf, decided to impose their failure in achieving the goals of the “guarantor” by taking revenge for the success of others, destroying all the renaissance they had created. The old regime was an ally of the East, while its political allies counted its victims as if they were victims. they counted the herd of a butcher and laid roses on their graves, and their statement was: “The butcher has entrusted us with this task with precision and responsibility.

The most dangerous thing about the war in Sudan is that it is taking place in a very dangerous international situation. Today's world lives without safety valves. Neither the Security Council can bring justice to the Sudanese victims, nor the United Nations, because relations within the adult club are governed by a strong alliance.

As the prince of poets Ahmed Shawqi said: β€œRed freedom has a door that knocks with every hand that knocks.” The Sudanese paid the bill for their salvation from Western colonialism, and it came at a very high price, for the door of freedom was closed and stained with blood throughout the ages.

My love and respect

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